在配置TMS320F280049C的I2C的FIFOTX中断后,将FIFO深度设置为16,使用中断传输数据,打开逻辑分析仪发现传输的数据有问题,200个数据只发送了16个数据,使用一个CNT变量记录进入FIFOTX中断的次数,发现进入次数达到了5位数,看了一下用户手册,下面是对FIFOTX LEVEL 位的描述:Transmit FIFO interrupt level.
These bits set the status level that will set the transmit interrupt flag.
When the TXFFST4-0 bits reach a value equal to or less than these
bits, the TXFFINT flag will be set. This will generate an interrupt if the
TXFFIENA bit is set. Because the I2C on this device has a 16-level
transmit FIFO, these bits cannot be configured for an interrupt of
more than 16 FIFO levels.
Reset type: SYSRSn