By Gavin Hesse, Cypress Semiconductor Corp.
作者:赛普拉斯半导体公司Gavin Hesse
The long awaited “hockey-stick” expansion of the LED marketplace is beginning to take shape as more replacement fixtures are entering the consumer and industrial landscape. As such, more lighting designers are attempting to take a crack at their own LED fixture, whether it be a small MR16 or a larger PAR lamp. Yet herein lies the issue, as customers are not defining the LED fixtures by only the standard Lux and wavelength requirements. LEDs are powerful semiconductor devices, and so allow customers to enter a whole new world of differentiation with their designs.
Unfortunately, most of these designers are still coming up to speed on the language necessary to understand how to build any of this potential intelligence into their system. This puts them at a disadvantage when it comes to discussions with potential vendors and partners. In fact, some engineers barely know enough to write a useful specification for an intelligent light engine, passing that on to a consultant they barely knew a month previous. If LED designs are the future of the industry and the future of the company, they are too important to fully leave to external forces. Even semiconductor vendors are offering design services, but have limited resources.
So what these lighting companies and engineers require is an understanding of the basics, the building blocks of intelligent lighting design.
These essential questions can help a designer understand not only how to correctly define his project, but also how to choose an appropriate vendor.
Building Block #1: Do you require dimming?
This is a tougher question that it appears at face value, as a “Yes” answer sets off a daisy chain of follow-up information. There become three major issues. The first is the input voltage. Low voltage fixtures such as an MR16 that have inputs of 12VAC or 24VAC are more difficult to find solutions that can interface with most TRIACs available in the marketplace, as those TRIACs provide too little additional power off the line to read correctly. As such, there are more limited solutions available in the market for such applications, although companies such as Cypress or Zetex are creating those at this time.
The second issue is the type of input dimming required. TRIACs were not made to interface with LED systems and as such are poor options. Your new favorite dimmable AC/DC LED driver may only work with half the Lutron dimmers in your arsenal, and at that only the leading edge dimmers. They also may be unable to correctly read the low and high end of the TRIAC and so will only offer about a 20-40% dimming range without introducing flicker, especially on the low voltage design side. If the input dimming comes from a microcontroller, the power from the AC line needs to be appropriately managed. A standard AC/DC driver from a company such as Advanced Transformer was not made to power a microcontroller that has a 5V input rail. The microcontroller will also require an input signal to modify the output dim waveform, which can introduce the complexity of a communication network.
第二个问题是所需的输入调光类型。TRIAC不是专为连接LED系统而设计的,因此本身不是很好的选择。您所喜爱的新型可调光AC/DC LED驱动器可能只能与现有的一半Lutron调光器协同工作,因此只能选用高端调光器,而且也难以准确读取TRIAC的低压和高压侧,从而只能提供20-40%的调光范围,超出这一范围就会出现闪烁问题,这一点在低压设计方面尤其突出。如果用微控制器进行输入调光,那么必须对AC线路电力加以适当管控。Advanced Transformer等公司推出的标准AC/DC驱动器不是旨在用于给5V输入轨的微控制器供电。微控制器还需要输入信号来修改输出调光波形,而这就会增加通信网络的复杂度。
The final issue is the quality of the dimming waveform itself. All dimming is not equal, and any vendor which claims to offer dimming does not mean it is doing so in an effective manner. For example, the below figure shows the noise generated from a PWM waveform:

Figure 1: PWM Dimming Waveform
Notice the significant noise spikes which are created by the signal, which can introduce a significant amount of radiated EMI, which in turn can introduce flicker. However, a secondary type of PWM signal, using a modified method, has this plot shown in Figure 2. It is fairly easy to see how significantly smoother this second curve is and the advantage it offers, in this example almost 75 dB in noise reduction.
请注意,信号会产生严重的噪声,从而导致大量电磁干扰,进而引发闪烁问题。不过,我们采用修改后的方法实现了如图2所示的第二类PWM信号。显而易见,第二种曲线更加平顺,优势也更为突出。在本例中,其噪声降低了近75 dB。

Figure 2: Alternate Dimming Waveform
Dimming also has issues if it comes from a digital output. An 8-bit PWM only has 256 possible “steps” that can dim a string of white LEDs. Especially at the low range, those steps become visible to the user. However, a 16-bit PWM has over 65000 steps, allowing for a much smoother dimming curve to the customer.
Building Block #2: Do you require feedback?
The notion of actually being able to adjust light output on the fly seems to be fairly new to many lighting designers. Most have been used to the principle of having a fuse or safety switch that turns the fixture off if the bulb burns out. This is one of the primary advantages to an intelligent LED system, which can not only be more robust from a lifetime standpoint but more robust from an upkeep standpoint. Any LED system should be able to appropriately track overvoltage, undervoltage, short circuit, open circuit, and thermal runaway conditions.
Any vendor should be able to offer a circuit similar to the below figure for a simple white light application, in this example from Cypress Semiconductor:

Figure 3: Isolated AC/DC LED Drive Circuit
图3:隔离式AC/DC LED驱动电路
Notice that this is an isolated topology, which is easier to pass UL certification. However, the circuit itself is able to sense what is happening at the load through the tertiary winding of the transformer, and as such is able to recreate the waveform internally and adjust how it drives the LEDs. It also has a temperature sensor attached and will shut down if the temperature rises above a set threshold.
Temperature, however, is the bane of the existence of LED lighting designers, since LEDs radiate all their heat through the base. This puts designers into an uncomfortable position of having to work more on thermal design than electrical design to ensure temperatures do not rise beyond datasheet junction temperatures of the components on the PCB board. As is widely known, temperature also dramatically affects the flux and color output of the LEDs themselves, which can make the visual appearance of a row of fixtures appear to not be in sync.
A system with more intelligence driven by a microcontroller can implement an improved temperature compensation algorithm using a simple and cheap thermistor set near the LEDs themselves. After reading the board temperature the following equation is used to convert to the junction temperature of the LEDs:

Figure 4: Junction Temperature Approximation Equation
To simply read the equation, the junction temperature of the LEDs (Tj) is equal to the temperature of the board (Tb) plus the combination of the thermal resistance of the PCB board, the constant current of the LEDs, and the forward voltage of the LEDs. These are all easily discoverable values. This number can then be used to derive any adjustments to the drive current or voltage in order to keep the flux output (or the color output of an RGB series of LEDs) inside the visible limit.
Building Block #3: How do you want to drive the LEDs?
This is another simple question that becomes more complex the moment you bring a power engineer to the table. When faced with the omnipresent cost question, most designers will quickly turn to a linear implementation, which can cost almost half the alternative. Unfortunately, the trade-off to a linear drive system is about a 50% hit in the overall system efficiency as well, which tends to kill the “green” advantage of LEDs in the first place.
This leaves a switching implementation, either a step-down buck or step-up boost topology. This is where the current technology available from vendors becomes more helpful, as there is a wide range of suitable solutions on the market. There are a few features, however, in which variance can be more crucial.
The first is switching frequency. If a driver is able to switch at 1.5 MHz rather than 1 MHZ it will lower the size of the inductor needed for the circuit, which in turn helps solve the inevitable board space crunch in most retrofit applications. The second is RDSon, as some drivers have integrated high voltage MOSFETs. If that RDSon is too high, over 1 ohm, then the power dissipation will suffer, again killing the efficiency of the system. The final is the efficiency spec, mainly contained within the datasheet. A decent switching regulator can get up to 95% efficiency, which can differentiate a company’s solution effectively in this competitive marketplace.
首先就是开关频率。如果驱动器的开关频率为1.5 MHz而不是1 MHZ,那么就能减少电路所需的感应器,进而有助于解决大多数改型应用不可避免的板上空间紧张问题。其次就是RDSon,因为一些驱动器采用了集成高压MOSFET。如果RDSon过高,超过1欧姆,功耗问题就会很严重,从而再次影响系统的效率。最后一个问题就是如何实现数据表规定的效率规格。适当的开关稳压器效率应当高达95%,这才能让公司的解决方案在竞争激烈的市场中脱颖而出。
Building Block #4: What’s going to set your product apart from the competition?
To be frank, there is little about the previous questions which will fully differentiate one company’s product over another. There is a veritable crush of companies seeking to carve out a space in this burgeoning LED retrofit market. Many will simply decide to create a non-dimmable or TRIAC dimmable LED fixture and win on cost. These companies will rise and fall based on the commodity pricing of basic components, not on the quality of their overall system.
Companies who instead have a desire to push forward with simple differentiating techniques will carve out unique and stand-alone spaces for themselves. Many lighting engineers simply don’t know enough of what’s available in the semiconductor market to take advantage of simple solutions. Here are several examples:

Figure 5: Retrofit Block Diagram
图5: 改型方框图
The above block diagram shows a potential retrofit bulb. It takes the AC/DC line voltage such as 120VAC, and then drops it down to a microcontroller which handles the TRIAC dimming of the LEDs. This is a similar approach to items discussed earlier. However, it also interfaces with a motion sensor, a cheap external device, which controls the light being turned on if it detects an individual in the room. This could just as easily be an IR sensor. With this addition that can be in the sub $0.10 range of additional Bill-Of-Materials cost, the product is easily different from competitive products.
A second example would be a table lamp. In the simplest fashion it takes an offline signal and drives a set of white LEDs with no dimming. Again, there are multiple vendors in the market designing this lamp. However, the design is pushed in a new direction with the adding of a capacitive slider on the lamp to both turn the light on and off or to adjust the dimming level. Adding a capacitive slider to a design costs as much as a line of copper. In other words, it is not expensive and yet again, provides a unique advantage.
The final example would be an outdoor backlight, such as behind a restaurant sign. To save energy, a company will want to drive the sign at different levels in the day or at night, but the simplest version of said design will not allow this, as it would require the elimination of the sense resistor on the feedback loop of the current regulator. However, there are products which allow this constant current level to be reset in software, from 350 mA to 700 mA. Now the LED backlight can offer even more energy savings to the potential customer, maximizing efficiency during the entire day.
最后一个例子是室外背光,比方说餐厅标志牌的背光。为了节能,我们希望标志牌的背光强度在白天和夜晚有所不同。最简单的设计可能不带电流调节器反馈回路上的感应电阻,因此显然无法实现这一要求。不过,有些产品允许在软件中重设恒定电流,从350 mA调为700 mA。这样,LED背光就能为潜在的客户带来更高的节能效果,确保整天时间里都能实现最高效率。
There are far more examples that could be discussed outside of these three, from additional communication interfaces, control mechanisms or thermal platforms. The semiconductor market is currently at work providing even more value to lighting engineers. Differentiating a product in this market is not an onerous process, does not have to be costly, and can ultimately help a company position itself effectively.
The Building Blocks discussed are obviously not the only questions necessary to create an intelligent lighting fixture, but they are an excellent start to understanding how to fully utilize the technology available, as well as reduce reliance on expensive consultants or outside vendors. If a company does not learn these lessons well, they will be ill-prepared to face a quickly-moving market in terms of product definition and will be left behind by more nimble and flexible competitors.
Beginning an LED design can seem tricky and treacherous to companies which began with knowledge on how to bend metal and little else on the electronics side. With a small amount of research, the learning curve does not have to be difficult, and the reward large.
传统厂商过去只考虑金属设计问题,对电子领域知之甚少,因此LED设计起初可能会显得非常复杂。不过,只要稍加研究,就能发现学习曲线其实并不那么难,进而从中大幅受益。 |