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Security Tradeoffs and Commissioning Methods for Wireless IoT Protocols

已有 336 次阅读2017-12-8 12:43 |系统分类:嵌入式系统| IoT, Security

这篇Silicon Lab的工程师写的IoT安全的综述讲得比较好, 也是我自己一直想写的内容, 无奈自己太懒了一直动不了笔, 感兴趣的可以看看.


Many of the things we use on a daily basis are becoming smart and connected. The Internet of Things (IoT) will improve our lives by helping us reach our fitness goals, reduce resource consumption, increasing productivity, and track and secure our assets. Many embedded developers realize the potential benefits of the IoT and are actively developing various applications, from connected home devices to wearables to home security systems. However, along with these benefits come risks. No one wants to design an application that’s prone to hacking or data theft. One of the most complicated and crucial trade-offs in IoT security is the commissioning of wireless devices onto a network. This paper presents a review of common commissioning methods and their security trade-offs.


The Internet of Things (IoT) is often referred to as an industrial revolution. The amount of connected devices will grow rapidly over the next few years. If there is any disagreement among analysts, it is in the number of billions devices that will be connected. And the value for society is estimated to be in the range of 4 to 11 trillion dollars.In the race for time-to-market, proper security is inconvenient because it adds cost: development cost, component cost and complexity. At the same time, many traditional industries have not been exposed to security issues, but suddenly become hacking targets when their products become smart and connected. Finally, in many markets, having more security than your competitors is the key not to get hacked. The issue is that bad press and major security and privacy issues might temporarily or permanently slow down the adoption of IoT for improving our lives. Many are already skeptical to connect simple devices we rely on in our every day. And security researchers are calling IoT a catastrophe waiting to happen. In fact, quite recently there have been a number of highly publicized hacks that are gaining wide attention, so one could argue that the catastrophe is already on its way.

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