在实际工程中,经常会遇到多标准选择问题,这就需要我们有一个算法来选出最优的选项。现在有许多MCDM方法,包括AHP、TOPSIS、ELECTRE、SAW、MEW等等。具体可参考论文《Multi-attribute decision making: A simulation comparison of select methods》。
1. 算法逻辑充分代表了人类选择的基本原理;
2. 同时计算距离最优和最差选项的距离;
3. 计算过程容易在电子表格中编程运算(例如EXCEL);
4. 所有选择的性能测量可被抽象为至少两个维度的多面体。
four TOPSIS advantages are addressed:
(i) a sound logic that represents the rationale of human choice;
(ii) a scalar value that accounts for both the best and worst alternatives simultaneously;
(iii) a simple computation process that can be easily programmed into a spreadsheet;
(iv) the performance measures of all alternatives on attributes can be visualized on a polyhedron, at least for any two dimensions.