今日: 0|主题: 600|帖子: 5703 收藏 (4)
Hi all, Let's hot this plate! Join us and have fun together! attach_img  ...23456..26
2011-9-9 11:47 506 53299
2011-9-1 12:57 0 2140
电气自动化专业英语词汇 attachment
2011-8-25 10:22 15 3892
2011-8-25 10:21 10 3604
2011-8-25 09:56 16 3798
今天早上学了一个小时的crazy english!  ...2
2011-8-23 16:10 25 6178
I received one such e-mail
2011-8-11 21:45 3 2197
转:《走遍美国》英文文本教材 attachment
2011-8-8 20:15 4 2967
"Cycle use:14.5-14.9V"、"Standby use:13.6-13.8V",啥意思?
2011-7-19 15:43 5 28687
2011-7-19 15:39 13 3881
DSP常用词语及其含义(Let's Talk DSP)
2011-7-19 15:21 4 2681
我一定要学好英语,立此帖为正。  ...234
2011-7-19 15:15 76 11501
Ei检索的互联网技术和应用国际会议征文 LRH
2011-7-11 10:26 3 2656
我猛然发现,这里的斑竹是iC921。。。  ...2
2011-6-2 19:36 23 5527
2011-5-30 19:00 5 3025
翻译 attach_img
2011-5-27 10:53 5 2125
The Super SMT Component Kits - To make your design simple
2011-5-21 22:05 3 3861
2011-5-11 08:34 4 3232
请问一下这句啥意思?FROM MSP430
2011-5-1 16:52 2 2498
2011-4-27 13:57 12 6065
这里好冷啊,我决定每天都来踩一脚  ...2
2011-4-26 22:24 27 6090
2011-4-18 10:25 1 3297
请高人翻译! attach_img
2011-4-10 22:45 4 2072
2011-4-8 00:09 4 2513
翻译:Superconductivity: New phase of matter?
2011-3-31 21:39 1 2348
The ambiguity of natural language
2011-3-28 17:07 3 2332
2011-3-23 07:59 0 2927
2011-3-22 17:23 4 2154
Hi All, HAPPY NEW YEAR, Wish you all have a good Ending and a better Beginning! attach_img
2011-2-9 09:13 2 2985
The first guessing of new year
2011-1-25 16:11 6 2264
“110 MSPS/140 MSPS Analog Interface for Flat Panel Displays”? attach_img
2011-1-19 22:24 2 3051
Tell me how to say "班车" in English, and I will  ...234
2011-1-18 16:01 76 10979
Two little story
2011-1-18 14:50 6 2028
A very hot topic, and a cool plate that looks a bit cold!
2011-1-7 10:37 5 2647
Translation:The Inaugural Of President Obama attachment  ...2
2010-12-27 17:26 26 4019
Where are fellows who were active before Christmas?
2010-12-27 13:24 6 2324
Seems iC921 has disappeared for a long time.  ...2
2010-12-25 10:51 23 4442
It is time to go home now, everyone, wish you have a good weekend^^
2010-12-24 17:36 2 2437
2010-12-24 15:11 10 2907
Hi everyone, i just find this plate, let's improve english together!
2010-12-24 13:33 14 2449
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