中午吃饭的时候,旁边几个女生估计被bug逼疯了,大喊“我想死”另一个哥们冷笑着,更大声喊“我想活” 我觉得可以加个横批,作为打工人的自嘲: 上联:我想死,死不成还得干活 下联:我想活,没钱活只能等死 横批:一群牛马
3596浏览量 11回复量 关注量 -
请教一下大家PADS的版本兼容情况, VX.0到VX 2xx?? 赏100家园币
版本太多了,电脑上也不太想安装那么多版本,所以想请教一下大家。 主要是PADS VX.0 也就是第一版VX ,跟后续的 VX .1系列 ,VX.2系列版本兼容性怎么样,主要是pcb部分。 比如VX.0能否打开和编辑Vx2的设计文件,有没有什么bug , 有用过的大佬请赐教。
12141浏览量 2回复量 关注量 -
MounRiver Studio 新建工程编译错误
MounRiver Studio 新建工程编译出现错误 riscv-none-embed-gcc: fatal error: -fuse-linker-plugin, but liblto_plugin-0.dll not found compilation terminated.
13601浏览量 13回复量 关注量 -
HT32F57341仿真时出现这个,编译无错 sos
Load "C:\\Users\\hppen\\Desktop\\HT32Fxx\\example\\GPIO\\InputOutput\\MDK_ARMv5\\Obj\\HT32.axf" Cannot access Memory ([url=home.php?mod=space&uid=72445]@[/url] 0x00000000, Write, Acc Size: 4 Byte) Cannot access Memory (@ 0x00001000, Write, Acc Size: 4 Byte) *** error 57: illegal address (0x00001000) Include "C:\\Users\\hppen\\Desktop\\HT32Fxx\\example\\GPIO\\InputOutput\\MDK_ARMv5\\HT32F5xxxx_01_DebugSupport.ini" /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Holtek Semiconductor Inc. */ /* */ /* Copyright (C) Holtek Semiconductor Inc. */ /* All rights reserved. */ /* */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ File Name : HT32F5xxxx_01_DebugSupport.ini Version : V1.03 Date : 2019-07-08 Description : Debug Support Initialization file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Supported Device // ======================================== // HT32F5xxxx // <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>> FUNC void DebugSupport (void) { //
Configure MCU Debug Control Register // Debug Sleep Mode (DBSLP) // LDO = On, FCLK = On, and HCLK = On in Sleep mode // Debug Deep-Sleep Mode 1 (DBDSLP1) // LDO = On, FCLK = On, and HCLK = On in Deep-Sleep mode 1 // Debug Deep-Sleep Mode 2 (DBDSLP2) // LDO = On, FCLK = On, and HCLK = On in Deep-Sleep mode 2 // Debug Power-Down Mode (DBPD) // LDO = On, FCLK = On, and HCLK = On in Power-Down mode // WDT Debug Mode Enable (DBWDT) // WDT Timer counter is stopped when the core is halted // MCTM0 Debug Mode Enable (DBMCTM0) // MCTM0 Timer counter is stopped when the core is halted // GPTM0 Debug Mode Enable (DBGPTM0) // GPTM0 Timer counter is stopped when the core is halted // GPTM1 Debug Mode Enable (DBGPTM1) // GPTM1 Timer counter is stopped when the core is halted // USART0 Debug Mode Enable (DBUSART0) // USART0 Rx FIFO timeout counter is stopped when the core is halted // USART1 Debug Mode Enable (DBUSART1) // USART1 Rx FIFO timeout counter is stopped when the core is halted // UART0 Debug Mode Enable (DBUART0) // UART0 Rx FIFO timeout counter is stopped when the core is halted // UART1 Debug Mode Enable (DBUART1) // UART1 Rx FIFO timeout counter is stopped when the core is halted // UART2 Debug Mode Enable (DBUART2) // UART2 Rx FIFO timeout counter is stopped when the core is halted // UART3 Debug Mode Enable (DBUART3) // UART3 Rx FIFO timeout counter is stopped when the core is halted // SPI0 Debug Mode Enable (DBSPI0) // SPI0 Rx FIFO timeout counter is stopped when the core is halted // SPI1 Debug Mode Enable (DBSPI1) // SPI1 Rx FIFO timeout counter is stopped when the core is halted // I2C0 Debug Mode Enable (DBI2C0) // I2C0 timeout counter is stopped when the core is halted // I2C1 Debug Mode Enable (DBI2C1) // I2C1 timeout counter is stopped when the core is halted // I2C2 Debug Mode Enable (DBI2C2) // I2C2 timeout counter is stopped when the core is halted // SCI0 Debug Mode Enable (DBSCI0) // SCI0 Waiting Time counter is stopped when the core is halted // SCI1 Debug Mode Enable (DBSCI1) // SCI1 Waiting Time counter is stopped when the core is halted // BFTM0 Debug Mode Enable (DBBFTM0) // BFTM0 Timer counter is stopped when the core is halted // BFTM1 Debug Mode Enable (DBBFTM1) // BFTM1 Timer counter is stopped when the core is halted // SCTM0 Debug Mode Enable (DBSCTM0) // SCTM0 Timer counter is stopped when the core is halted // SCTM1 Debug Mode Enable (DBSCTM1) // SCTM1 Timer counter is stopped when the core is halted // SCTM2 Debug Mode Enable (DBSCTM2) // SCTM2 Timer counter is stopped when the core is halted // SCTM3 Debug Mode Enable (DBSCTM3) // SCTM3 Timer counter is stopped when the core is halted // PWM0 Debug Mode Enable (DBPWM0) // PWM0 counter is stopped when the core is halted // PWM1 Debug Mode Enable (DBPWM1) // PWM1 counter is stopped when the core is halted // if (0) { _WDWORD(0x40088304, 0x00000000); } } DebugSupport(); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Uncomment to debug stack/heap underflow, overflow, and overwrite */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //BS Write __HT_check_sp, 2 //BS Write __HT_check_heap, 2 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Load debug symbol */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //LOAD %L INCREMENTAL 1468浏览量 0回复量 关注量 -
3009浏览量 4回复量 关注量 -
求助!CCS 8.3.1 edit界面不显示problem窗口 sos
CCS版本为8.3.1。在edit界面不显示problem窗口,点击右上角的view - problem也没用。但是在debug界面可以正常显示problem窗口。不知道怎么可以解决呢? 附:console窗口在edit界面与debug界面均可以正常显示 已经重新安装过CCS,也没用
1622浏览量 0回复量 关注量 -
华大MCU debug 正常,复位后异常 sos
为什么华大的MCU HC32F005 ,在debug状态下程序运行正常,MCU复位后程序工作就异常了,哪位大神遇到过这个问题?
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