我用的是ST的ARMSTR912芯片,现在做通过串口用IAP方式下载更新flash,我在ST的官方网站上下了例子和驱动,按说明做的时候,有一步要remap bink0和bink1的地址,After IAP has upgraded firmware in the primary bank, the bootloader code in secondary bank should remap the banks by writing to FMI registers FMI_BBADR and FMI_NBBADR in order to have the primary bank start at address 0x0, which allows interrupt handlers to reside in the application code primary bank instead of interrupts being handled by bootloader code in the secondary bank. 因为自己刚学ARM没几天搞不定这步,望各位高手指点一下了,非常感激!