本帖最后由 明月小厨 于 2012-12-12 12:03 编辑
Pointers are used for referring to the location of data. In general, a pointer has a type.
For example, a pointer that has the type int * points to an integer.
In the compiler, a pointer also points to some type of memory. The memory type is
specified using a keyword before the asterisk. For example, a pointer that points to an
integer stored in huge memory is declared by:
int __huge * MyPtr;
Note that the location of the pointer variable MyPtr is not affected by the keyword. In
the following example, however, the pointer variable MyPtr2 is placed in tiny memory.
Like MyPtr, MyPtr2 points to a character in far memory.
char __far * __tiny MyPtr2;//
char 是指针针向的对象是什么数据类型;
__far 是指针针向的对象在哪个区域;
__tiny 指针自己放在什么区域;
For example, the functions in the standard library are all declared without explicit
memory types.