HI-TECH C PRO for the PIC18 MCU Family V9.66
Copyright (C) 1984-2011 HI-TECH SOFTWARE
licensed for evaluation purposes only
this licence will expire on Mon, 07 Nov 2011
Advisory[1233] Employing 18F452 errata work-arounds:
Advisory[1234] * Address 4000h boundary
Advisory[1234] * Faulty table reads at -40 degrees C
Advisory[1234] * GOTO instruction at reset vector must be preceded by NOP
Advisory[1234] * Peripherals can misbehave if BSR = 15
Advisory[1234] * DAW instruction may improperly clear CARRY bit
Advisory[1234] * Specifically disable interrupt sources during tblwt instruction
Advisory[1234] * Writes to flash must target opposite side of 4000h boundary
Error [300] ; . unexpected end of file |