本帖最后由 muyichuan2012 于 2021-3-3 11:06 编辑
* File Name : README.TXT
* brief : Project for SPI DMA R/W VTI7064LSMxx base on AT-START-F403 Board.
* Date : 2018-08-13
* Version : V1.0.0
This demo is based on the AT-START-F403 board,in this demo,usart1 TX(PA9) will printf the result for access VTI7064LSMxx. */
If need use SPI DMA,open this define "SPI_DMA_ENABLE".otherwize,it defaut use normal SPI.
AT-START-F403 Board VTI7064LSMxx
PA4 ----------------------- #CE
PA5 ----------------------- SCLK
PA6 ----------------------- SO
PA7 ----------------------- SI
Vdd(3.3V) ----------------- VDD
GND ----------------------- GND
/****************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2018 ArteryTek *********END OF FILE*********/
* File Name : main.c
* brief : Project for SPI DMA R/W VTI7064LSMxx base on AT-START-F403 Board.
* Date : 2018-08-13
* Version : V1.0.0
This demo is based on the AT-START-F403 board,in this demo,usart1 TX(PA9) will printf the result for access VTI7064LSMxx. */
/****************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2018 ArteryTek *********END OF FILE*********/
#include "at32f4xx.h"
#include "usart.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "sram.h"
extern u8 cnt;
int main(void)
printf("initial ok\r\n");
sram_test();// access VTI7064LSMxx