而且因为 fully compatible. 板子拿来,换个芯片,性能更佳。MCU 不用改 c code。
4.7SPS to 4.8kSPS 24-bit ADC with PGA gain 1 to 128
Compatible Parts
AD7190/AD7192 pin/register fully compatible.
- Programmable Gain: 1/2/4/8/16/32/64/128
- Data Rates: 4.7SPS to 4.8kSPS
- RMS Noises: 15nV at 10SPS (Gain = 128)
- 24.4ENOB (22.0 noise-free bits) at 10SPS (Gain= 1)
- Offset Drift: 3nV/℃ (Gain = 128)
- Gain Drift: 0.5ppm/℃
- Integral Non-linearity: 3ppm
- Reference input current: 500nA
- Internal or External Clock
- Simultaneous 50Hz/60Hz Rejection
- 2 Differential/4 Pseudo Differential Inputs
- Current: 2.5mA
- Specified Temperature Range: -40℃ to 125℃
- Package: 24-ld TSSOP
- Power Supply
AVDD :2.7V to 5.25V or ±2.5V
DVDD : 2.7V to 5.25V
- Weight Scales and Strain Gauges
- Flow/Pressure Measurement
- Temeprature Measurement
- Industrial Process Control
- Medical Instrumentation