本帖最后由 香水城 于 2014-8-6 14:06 编辑
bobo5650 发表于 2014-8-6 10:32
STM32F303ZD,留着备用。香主帮评估下能不能替掉freescale的MC56F8356VFVE?@香水城 ...
The STM32F303 are mixed signal MCUs with ARM Cortex-M4 core (DSP, FPU) running at 72 MHz.
The devices are equipped with :
•Up to 7x fast- and ultra-fast comparators (<30 ns)
•Up to 4x Op-Amp with programmable gain (PGA)
•Up to 2x 12-bit DACs
•Up to 4x ultra-fast 12-bit ADCs with 5 MSPS
•Up to 2x fast 144 MHz motor control timers (resolution < 7 ns)
•USB FS and CAN 2.0B communication interfaces
•Routine Booster (CCM for Core Coupled Memory),, a specific memory architecture for RAM execution of time-critical routines, accelerating the performance by 43%
The STM32F303 MCUs, compatible to, but more powerful than the STM32F103, operate from 2.0 to 3.6 V