Product: IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM
Version: 6.30
Released: Oct 26, 2011
for IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM version 6.30.1
Read about the latest features, new device support, and program corrections in the release notes.
Important information
Release notes for individual components
Product packages
Installation and license activation
Stack usage analysis
With stack usage analysis enabled, a stack usage section will be added to the linker map file with listings of the maximum stack depth for each call graph root. The analysis process can be customized to take into account such constructs as calls via pointers and recursion. The output can optionally be generated in XML format for post-processing activities.
Extended inline assembler
The inline assembler have been extended with the possiblity to take input arguments, have return values, and read or write to C symbols. The syntax is similar to the syntax used in GNU GCC.
Cortex-M3/M4 speed optimizations
The compiler optimizer have been tuned to generate faster code, with special focus on the coremark and DSP library code bases.
JTAGjet-Trace integration
Signum JTAGjet-Trace, an advanced debug probe for high-end applications, is now integrated with its trace module in the debugger, making it possible to take full advantage of the trace capabilities on Cortex-A and Cortex-R devices when debugging complex systems.
ITM event plot in timeline window
The Timeline window has been enhanced with a graphical event log for Cortex-M3/M4 users. To aid in analyzing the behavior of your code, place predifined macro s at places of interest in the code, and when these points are reached during execution, event messages will be sent and appear in the Timeline The plotted events can be correlated with the source code, detailed context timing is also provided.
exclude mechanism in profiler
The profiling window has been enhanced with a hide mechanism. s that are not of interest can be filtered out. This can be useful when working with an RTOS, RTOS kernel s can be filtered out, to get a focused picture of where the execution time is spent in the actual application code.
Support for Texas Instruments Stellaris ICDI (new in 6.21.3)
Support has been added for the Texas Instruments Stellaris ICDI debug interface. The same C-SPY debugger driver is used for both the FTDI- and the ICDI-interface. This debugger driver is now called TI Stellaris.
RTOS awareness support for AVIX-RT (new in 6.21.2)
An RTOS awareness plug-in for AVIX-RT is now included.
Flash loaders
Flash loaders for the following devices are included in the product installation: