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  • stm32cubemx中freertosV10.0.1与cmsis_v2配合是否有问题 sos

    在cmsis_os2.c中有:#if defined(SysTick) /* FreeRTOS tick timer interrupt handler prototype */ extern void [color=#f00000]xPortSysTickHandler [/color](void); /* SysTick handler implementation that also clears overflow flag. */ void SysTick_Handler (void) { /* Clear overflow flag */ SysTick->CTRL; /* Call tick handler */ xPortSysTickHandler(); } #endif /* SysTick */ 在FreeRTOSConfig.h有[color=#f00000]#define xPortSysTickHandler SysTick_Handler[/color] 在port.c void xPortSysTickHandler( void ) { /* The SysTick runs at the lowest interrupt priority, so when this interrupt executes all interrupts must be unmasked. There is therefore no need to save and then restore the interrupt mask value as its value is already known. */ portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS(); { /* Increment the RTOS tick. */ if( xTaskIncrementTick() != pdFALSE ) { /* A context switch is required. Context switching is performed in the PendSV interrupt. Pend the PendSV interrupt. */ portNVIC_INT_CTRL_REG = portNVIC_PENDSVSET_BIT; } } portENABLE_INTERRUPTS(); }

    FreeRTOSv STM32CubeMX TI ic TE ck

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