msp430f5529 进不了定时器中断
程序如下,但是进不了中断,有谁知道可以告诉我么? char buffer[255]; int flag = 0,cont = 0; char data[3]= {'0','0','\0'}; uint8_t data1 = 0; uint16_t intialWheelValue = 0; uint16_t wheelValue = 0; FRESULT WriteFile(char* fileName, char* text, WORD size); void TimerB_Init(void); void DataAcq() { char data[3]= {'0','0','\0'}; uint8_t data1 = 0; uint16_t intialWheelValue = 0; uint16_t wheelValue = 0; TimerB_Init(); Dogs102x6_init(); Dogs102x6_clearScreen(); Buttons_interruptEnable(BUTTON_ALL); //按键中断使能 buttonsPressed = 0; intialWheelValue = Wheel_getValue(); // 得到初始齿轮电位计采样值 __enable_interrupt(); //使能全局中断 while(!(buttonsPressed & BUTTON_S2)){ Dogs102x6_stringDraw(3, 45, &data[0], DOGS102x6_DRAW_INVERT); //显示数 wheelValue = Wheel_getValue(); data1 = wheelValue/68; //得到当前齿轮电位计采样值 if (intialWheelValue != wheelValue){ //若当前齿轮电位计采样值与初始齿轮电位计采样值不同,进行小时重置 if (data1 < 10){ data[0] = '0'; data[1] = '0' + data1; } else if (data1 < 20){ data[0] = '1'; data[1] = '0' + (data1 - 10); } else if (data1 < 30){ data[0] = '2'; data[1] = '0' + (data1 - 20); } else if (data1 < 40){ data[0] = '3'; data[1] = '0' + (data1 - 30); } else if (data1 < 50){ data[0] = '4'; data[1] = '0' + (data1 - 40); } else if (data1 < 60){ data[0] = '5'; data[1] = '0' + (data1 - 50); } else { data[0] = '6'; data[1] = '0'; } } } } FRESULT WriteFile(char* fileName, char* text, WORD size) { // Result code FRESULT rc; // File system object FATFS fatfs; // File object FIL fil; UINT bw; // Register volume work area (never fails) f_mount(0, &fatfs); // Open file rc = f_open(&fil, fileName, FA_READ | FA_WRITE | FA_OPEN_ALWAYS); if (rc) { die(rc); } //指针指到文本最后 rc = f_lseek(&fil, f_size(&fil)); if(rc) { die(rc); } // Write to file rc = f_write(&fil, text, size, &bw); if (rc) { die(rc); } // Close the file rc = f_close(&fil); if (rc) { die(rc); } return rc; } /*定时器初始化*/ void TimerB_Init(void) { TB0CCR0 = 32768; TB0CTL = TBSSEL_0+TBCLR+MC_1; // TB0CCTL0 = CCIE; } #pragma vector = TIMERB0_VECTOR __interrupt void Timer_B0(void) { cont = cont+1; if(cont == 1) { cont = 0; flag = 1; buffer[0] = '['; buffer[1] = data[0]; buffer[2] = data[1]; buffer[3] = ']'; WriteFile("1.txt",buffer,4); //写入数据 } }
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