21ic问答首页 - 如何将TC334的CAN通讯代码从Loopback修改为连接到外部总线?
各位大师: 大家好!我使用英飞凌官方的开发板来调试CAN通讯,CAN通讯的例程为“MCMCAN_1_KIT_TC334_LK”,我将内部环回修改为连接到外部,但是修改后,发现通讯并未调通,且无法进入到TX发送中断,还请熟悉这一块的大师帮忙指导一下,我附上代码:
#include "MCMCAN.h"
/*-------------------------------------------------Global variables--------------------------------------------------*/
McmcanType g_mcmcan; /* Global MCMCAN configuration and control structure */
IfxPort_Pin_Config g_led1; /* Global LED1 configuration and control structure */
IfxPort_Pin_Config g_led2; /* Global LED2 configuration and control structure */
/*---------------------------------------------Function Implementations----------------------------------------------*/
/* Macro to define Interrupt Service Routine.
* This macro:
* - defines linker section as .intvec_tc<vector number>_<interrupt priority>.
* - defines compiler specific attribute for the interrupt functions.
* - defines the Interrupt service routine as ISR function.
* IFX_INTERRUPT(isr, vectabNum, priority)
* - isr: Name of the ISR function.
* - vectabNum: Vector table number.
* - priority: Interrupt priority. Refer Usage of Interrupt Macro for more details.
/* Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) called once the TX interrupt has been generated.
* Turns on the LED1 to indicate successful CAN message transmission.
void canIsrTxHandler(void)
/* Clear the "Transmission Completed" interrupt flag */
IfxCan_Node_clearInterruptFlag(g_mcmcan.canSrcNode.node, IfxCan_Interrupt_transmissionCompleted);
/* Just to indicate that the CAN message has been transmitted by turning on LED1 */
IfxPort_setPinLow(g_led1.port, g_led1.pinIndex);
/* Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) called once the RX interrupt has been generated.
* Compares the content of the received CAN message with the content of the transmitted CAN message
* and in case of success, turns on the LED2 to indicate successful CAN message reception.
void canIsrRxHandler(void)
/* Clear the "Message stored to Dedicated RX Buffer" interrupt flag */
IfxCan_Node_clearInterruptFlag(g_mcmcan.canDstNode.node, IfxCan_Interrupt_messageStoredToDedicatedRxBuffer);
/* Read the received CAN message */
IfxCan_Can_readMessage(&g_mcmcan.canDstNode, &g_mcmcan.rxMsg, g_mcmcan.rxData);
/* Check if the received data matches with the transmitted one */
if( ( g_mcmcan.rxData[0] == g_mcmcan.txData[0] ) &&
( g_mcmcan.rxData[1] == g_mcmcan.txData[1] ) &&
( g_mcmcan.rxMsg.messageId == g_mcmcan.txMsg.messageId ) )
/* Turn on the LED2 to indicate correctness of the received message */
IfxPort_setPinLow(g_led2.port, g_led2.pinIndex);
/* Function to initialize MCMCAN module and nodes related for this application use case */
void initMcmcan(void)
/* ==========================================================================================
* CAN module configuration and initialization:
* ==========================================================================================
* - load default CAN module configuration into configuration structure
* - initialize CAN module with the default configuration
* ==========================================================================================
IfxCan_Can_Pins example_pins;
IfxCan_Can_initModuleConfig(&g_mcmcan.canConfig, &MODULE_CAN0);//MODULE_CAN0
IfxCan_Can_initModule(&g_mcmcan.canModule, &g_mcmcan.canConfig);
/* ==========================================================================================
* Source CAN node configuration and initialization:
* ==========================================================================================
* - load default CAN node configuration into configuration structure
* - set source CAN node in the "Loop-Back" mode (no external pins are used)
* - assign source CAN node to CAN node 0
* - define the frame to be the transmitting one
* - once the transmission is completed, raise the interrupt
* - define the transmission complete interrupt priority
* - assign the interrupt line 0 to the transmission complete interrupt
* - transmission complete interrupt service routine should be serviced by the CPU0
* - initialize the source CAN node with the modified configuration
* ==========================================================================================
IfxCan_Can_initNodeConfig(&g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig, &g_mcmcan.canModule);
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.busLoopbackEnabled = FALSE;//FALSE
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.nodeId = IfxCan_NodeId_0;
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.frame.type = IfxCan_FrameType_transmit;
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.interruptConfig.transmissionCompletedEnabled = TRUE;//TRUE
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.interruptConfig.traco.priority = ISR_PRIORITY_CAN_TX;
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.interruptConfig.traco.interruptLine = IfxCan_InterruptLine_0;//IfxCan_InterruptLine_0
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.interruptConfig.traco.typeOfService = IfxSrc_Tos_cpu0;//traco
IfxCan_Can_initNode(&g_mcmcan.canSrcNode, &g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig);
/* ==========================================================================================
* Destination CAN node configuration and initialization:
* ==========================================================================================
* - load default CAN node configuration into configuration structure
* - set destination CAN node in the "Loop-Back" mode (no external pins are used)
* - assign destination CAN node to CAN node 1
* - define the frame to be the receiving one
* - once the message is stored in the dedicated RX buffer, raise the interrupt
* - define the receive interrupt priority
* - assign the interrupt line 1 to the receive interrupt
* - receive interrupt service routine should be serviced by the CPU0
* - initialize the destination CAN node with the modified configuration
* ==========================================================================================
IfxCan_Can_initNodeConfig(&g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig, &g_mcmcan.canModule);
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.busLoopbackEnabled = FALSE;//FALSE
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.nodeId = IfxCan_NodeId_1;
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.frame.type = IfxCan_FrameType_receive;
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.interruptConfig.messageStoredToDedicatedRxBufferEnabled = TRUE;
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.interruptConfig.reint.priority = ISR_PRIORITY_CAN_RX;
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.interruptConfig.reint.interruptLine = IfxCan_InterruptLine_1;
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.interruptConfig.reint.typeOfService = IfxSrc_Tos_cpu0;
IfxCan_Can_initNode(&g_mcmcan.canDstNode, &g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig);
/* ==========================================================================================
* CAN filter configuration and initialization:
* ==========================================================================================
* - filter configuration is stored under the filter element number 0
* - store received frame in a dedicated RX Buffer
* - define the same message ID as defined for the TX message
* - assign the filter to the dedicated RX Buffer (RxBuffer0 in this case)
* - initialize the standard filter with the modified configuration
* ==========================================================================================
g_mcmcan.canFilter.number = 0;
g_mcmcan.canFilter.elementConfiguration = IfxCan_FilterElementConfiguration_storeInRxBuffer;
g_mcmcan.canFilter.id1 = CAN_MESSAGE_ID;
g_mcmcan.canFilter.rxBufferOffset = IfxCan_RxBufferId_0;
IfxCan_Can_setStandardFilter(&g_mcmcan.canDstNode, &g_mcmcan.canFilter);
/* Function to initialize both TX and RX messages with the default data values.
* After initialization of the messages, the TX message is transmitted.
void transmitCanMessage(void)
/* Initialization of the RX message with the default configuration */
/* Invalidation of the RX message data content */
memset((void *)(&g_mcmcan.rxData[0]), INVALID_RX_DATA_VALUE, MAXIMUM_CAN_DATA_PAYLOAD * sizeof(uint32));
/* Initialization of the TX message with the default configuration */
/* Define the content of the data to be transmitted */
g_mcmcan.txData[0] = TX_DATA_LOW_WORD;
g_mcmcan.txData[1] = TX_DATA_HIGH_WORD;
/* Set the message ID that is used during the receive acceptance phase */
g_mcmcan.txMsg.messageId = CAN_MESSAGE_ID;
IfxCan_Can_sendMessage(&g_mcmcan.canSrcNode, &g_mcmcan.txMsg, &g_mcmcan.txData[0]);
/* Send the CAN message with the previously defined TX message content */
// while( IfxCan_Status_notSentBusy ==
// IfxCan_Can_sendMessage(&g_mcmcan.canSrcNode, &g_mcmcan.txMsg, &g_mcmcan.txData[0]) )
// {
// }
/* Function to initialize the LEDs */
void initLeds(void)
/* ======================================================================
* Configuration of the pins connected to the LEDs:
* ======================================================================
* - define the GPIO port
* - define the GPIO pin that is connected to the LED
* - define the general GPIO pin usage (no alternate function used)
* - define the pad driver strength
* ======================================================================
g_led1.port = &MODULE_P00;
g_led1.pinIndex = PIN0;
g_led1.mode = IfxPort_OutputIdx_general;
g_led1.padDriver = IfxPort_PadDriver_cmosAutomotiveSpeed1;
g_led2.port = &MODULE_P00;
g_led2.pinIndex = PIN1;
g_led2.mode = IfxPort_OutputIdx_general;
g_led2.padDriver = IfxPort_PadDriver_cmosAutomotiveSpeed1;
/* Initialize the pins connected to LEDs to level "HIGH", which keep the LEDs turned off as default state */
IfxPort_setPinHigh(g_led1.port, g_led1.pinIndex);
IfxPort_setPinHigh(g_led2.port, g_led2.pinIndex);
/* Set the pin input/output mode for both pins connected to the LEDs */
IfxPort_setPinModeOutput(g_led1.port, g_led1.pinIndex, IfxPort_OutputMode_pushPull, g_led1.mode);
IfxPort_setPinModeOutput(g_led2.port, g_led2.pinIndex, IfxPort_OutputMode_pushPull, g_led2.mode);
/* Set the pad driver mode for both pins connected to the LEDs */
IfxPort_setPinPadDriver(g_led1.port, g_led1.pinIndex, g_led1.padDriver);
IfxPort_setPinPadDriver(g_led2.port, g_led2.pinIndex, g_led2.padDriver);
#include "MCMCAN.h"
/*-------------------------------------------------Global variables--------------------------------------------------*/
McmcanType g_mcmcan; /* Global MCMCAN configuration and control structure */
IfxPort_Pin_Config g_led1; /* Global LED1 configuration and control structure */
IfxPort_Pin_Config g_led2; /* Global LED2 configuration and control structure */
/*---------------------------------------------Function Implementations----------------------------------------------*/
/* Macro to define Interrupt Service Routine.
* This macro:
* - defines linker section as .intvec_tc<vector number>_<interrupt priority>.
* - defines compiler specific attribute for the interrupt functions.
* - defines the Interrupt service routine as ISR function.
* IFX_INTERRUPT(isr, vectabNum, priority)
* - isr: Name of the ISR function.
* - vectabNum: Vector table number.
* - priority: Interrupt priority. Refer Usage of Interrupt Macro for more details.
/* Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) called once the TX interrupt has been generated.
* Turns on the LED1 to indicate successful CAN message transmission.
void canIsrTxHandler(void)
/* Clear the "Transmission Completed" interrupt flag */
IfxCan_Node_clearInterruptFlag(g_mcmcan.canSrcNode.node, IfxCan_Interrupt_transmissionCompleted);
/* Just to indicate that the CAN message has been transmitted by turning on LED1 */
IfxPort_setPinLow(g_led1.port, g_led1.pinIndex);
/* Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) called once the RX interrupt has been generated.
* Compares the content of the received CAN message with the content of the transmitted CAN message
* and in case of success, turns on the LED2 to indicate successful CAN message reception.
void canIsrRxHandler(void)
/* Clear the "Message stored to Dedicated RX Buffer" interrupt flag */
IfxCan_Node_clearInterruptFlag(g_mcmcan.canDstNode.node, IfxCan_Interrupt_messageStoredToDedicatedRxBuffer);
/* Read the received CAN message */
IfxCan_Can_readMessage(&g_mcmcan.canDstNode, &g_mcmcan.rxMsg, g_mcmcan.rxData);
/* Check if the received data matches with the transmitted one */
if( ( g_mcmcan.rxData[0] == g_mcmcan.txData[0] ) &&
( g_mcmcan.rxData[1] == g_mcmcan.txData[1] ) &&
( g_mcmcan.rxMsg.messageId == g_mcmcan.txMsg.messageId ) )
/* Turn on the LED2 to indicate correctness of the received message */
IfxPort_setPinLow(g_led2.port, g_led2.pinIndex);
/* Function to initialize MCMCAN module and nodes related for this application use case */
void initMcmcan(void)
/* ==========================================================================================
* CAN module configuration and initialization:
* ==========================================================================================
* - load default CAN module configuration into configuration structure
* - initialize CAN module with the default configuration
* ==========================================================================================
IfxCan_Can_Pins example_pins;
IfxCan_Can_initModuleConfig(&g_mcmcan.canConfig, &MODULE_CAN0);//MODULE_CAN0
IfxCan_Can_initModule(&g_mcmcan.canModule, &g_mcmcan.canConfig);
/* ==========================================================================================
* Source CAN node configuration and initialization:
* ==========================================================================================
* - load default CAN node configuration into configuration structure
* - set source CAN node in the "Loop-Back" mode (no external pins are used)
* - assign source CAN node to CAN node 0
* - define the frame to be the transmitting one
* - once the transmission is completed, raise the interrupt
* - define the transmission complete interrupt priority
* - assign the interrupt line 0 to the transmission complete interrupt
* - transmission complete interrupt service routine should be serviced by the CPU0
* - initialize the source CAN node with the modified configuration
* ==========================================================================================
IfxCan_Can_initNodeConfig(&g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig, &g_mcmcan.canModule);
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.busLoopbackEnabled = FALSE;//FALSE
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.nodeId = IfxCan_NodeId_0;
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.frame.type = IfxCan_FrameType_transmit;
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.interruptConfig.transmissionCompletedEnabled = TRUE;//TRUE
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.interruptConfig.traco.priority = ISR_PRIORITY_CAN_TX;
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.interruptConfig.traco.interruptLine = IfxCan_InterruptLine_0;//IfxCan_InterruptLine_0
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.interruptConfig.traco.typeOfService = IfxSrc_Tos_cpu0;//traco
IfxCan_Can_initNode(&g_mcmcan.canSrcNode, &g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig);
/* ==========================================================================================
* Destination CAN node configuration and initialization:
* ==========================================================================================
* - load default CAN node configuration into configuration structure
* - set destination CAN node in the "Loop-Back" mode (no external pins are used)
* - assign destination CAN node to CAN node 1
* - define the frame to be the receiving one
* - once the message is stored in the dedicated RX buffer, raise the interrupt
* - define the receive interrupt priority
* - assign the interrupt line 1 to the receive interrupt
* - receive interrupt service routine should be serviced by the CPU0
* - initialize the destination CAN node with the modified configuration
* ==========================================================================================
IfxCan_Can_initNodeConfig(&g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig, &g_mcmcan.canModule);
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.busLoopbackEnabled = FALSE;//FALSE
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.nodeId = IfxCan_NodeId_1;
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.frame.type = IfxCan_FrameType_receive;
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.interruptConfig.messageStoredToDedicatedRxBufferEnabled = TRUE;
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.interruptConfig.reint.priority = ISR_PRIORITY_CAN_RX;
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.interruptConfig.reint.interruptLine = IfxCan_InterruptLine_1;
g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig.interruptConfig.reint.typeOfService = IfxSrc_Tos_cpu0;
IfxCan_Can_initNode(&g_mcmcan.canDstNode, &g_mcmcan.canNodeConfig);
/* ==========================================================================================
* CAN filter configuration and initialization:
* ==========================================================================================
* - filter configuration is stored under the filter element number 0
* - store received frame in a dedicated RX Buffer
* - define the same message ID as defined for the TX message
* - assign the filter to the dedicated RX Buffer (RxBuffer0 in this case)
* - initialize the standard filter with the modified configuration
* ==========================================================================================
g_mcmcan.canFilter.number = 0;
g_mcmcan.canFilter.elementConfiguration = IfxCan_FilterElementConfiguration_storeInRxBuffer;
g_mcmcan.canFilter.id1 = CAN_MESSAGE_ID;
g_mcmcan.canFilter.rxBufferOffset = IfxCan_RxBufferId_0;
IfxCan_Can_setStandardFilter(&g_mcmcan.canDstNode, &g_mcmcan.canFilter);
/* Function to initialize both TX and RX messages with the default data values.
* After initialization of the messages, the TX message is transmitted.
void transmitCanMessage(void)
/* Initialization of the RX message with the default configuration */
/* Invalidation of the RX message data content */
memset((void *)(&g_mcmcan.rxData[0]), INVALID_RX_DATA_VALUE, MAXIMUM_CAN_DATA_PAYLOAD * sizeof(uint32));
/* Initialization of the TX message with the default configuration */
/* Define the content of the data to be transmitted */
g_mcmcan.txData[0] = TX_DATA_LOW_WORD;
g_mcmcan.txData[1] = TX_DATA_HIGH_WORD;
/* Set the message ID that is used during the receive acceptance phase */
g_mcmcan.txMsg.messageId = CAN_MESSAGE_ID;
IfxCan_Can_sendMessage(&g_mcmcan.canSrcNode, &g_mcmcan.txMsg, &g_mcmcan.txData[0]);
/* Send the CAN message with the previously defined TX message content */
// while( IfxCan_Status_notSentBusy ==
// IfxCan_Can_sendMessage(&g_mcmcan.canSrcNode, &g_mcmcan.txMsg, &g_mcmcan.txData[0]) )
// {
// }
/* Function to initialize the LEDs */
void initLeds(void)
/* ======================================================================
* Configuration of the pins connected to the LEDs:
* ======================================================================
* - define the GPIO port
* - define the GPIO pin that is connected to the LED
* - define the general GPIO pin usage (no alternate function used)
* - define the pad driver strength
* ======================================================================
g_led1.port = &MODULE_P00;
g_led1.pinIndex = PIN0;
g_led1.mode = IfxPort_OutputIdx_general;
g_led1.padDriver = IfxPort_PadDriver_cmosAutomotiveSpeed1;
g_led2.port = &MODULE_P00;
g_led2.pinIndex = PIN1;
g_led2.mode = IfxPort_OutputIdx_general;
g_led2.padDriver = IfxPort_PadDriver_cmosAutomotiveSpeed1;
/* Initialize the pins connected to LEDs to level "HIGH", which keep the LEDs turned off as default state */
IfxPort_setPinHigh(g_led1.port, g_led1.pinIndex);
IfxPort_setPinHigh(g_led2.port, g_led2.pinIndex);
/* Set the pin input/output mode for both pins connected to the LEDs */
IfxPort_setPinModeOutput(g_led1.port, g_led1.pinIndex, IfxPort_OutputMode_pushPull, g_led1.mode);
IfxPort_setPinModeOutput(g_led2.port, g_led2.pinIndex, IfxPort_OutputMode_pushPull, g_led2.mode);
/* Set the pad driver mode for both pins connected to the LEDs */
IfxPort_setPinPadDriver(g_led1.port, g_led1.pinIndex, g_led1.padDriver);
IfxPort_setPinPadDriver(g_led2.port, g_led2.pinIndex, g_led2.padDriver);
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