21ic问答首页 - TMS320F28P65外部晶振负阻测试
请问一下根据TMS320F28P65x Real-Time Microcontrollers节原文所述,Negative Resistance 1. Bring out the XTAL on XCLKOUT. 2. Place a potentiometer in series with the crystal between the load capacitors. 3. Increase the resistance of the potentiometer until the clock on XCLKOUT stops. 4. This resistance plus the crystal’s actual ESR is the negative resistance of the electrical oscillator. 电位计(可变电阻)的具体接法是怎么样的呢?我将可变电阻一端接一个负载电容,另一端接晶振,但是调节可变电阻没有影响,请问一下这可能是什么原因呢?是不是测试方案有问题?谢谢!
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