Example 1: Using UART0baudrate formula from above, it can be determined that system with pclk=20 MHz, U0DL=130 (U0DLM=0x00 and U0DLL=0x82), DivAddVal=0 and MulVal=1 will enable UART0 with UART0baudrate=9615 bauds. Example 2: Using UART0baudrate formula from above, it can be determined that system with pclk=20 MHz, U0DL=93 (U0DLM=0x00 and U0DLL=0x5D), DivAddVal=2 and MulVal=5 will enable UART0 with UART0baudrate=9600 bauds.
请问DivAddVal和MulVal在哪个积存器中设置?找了半天也没找到。总体感觉手册写的很乱. |