现有2个新塘120,利用I2C通信模式,实现两个MCU 主从通信,主机已完成,从机调试不通,中断处理进不去,请高手指教
/* */
/* Copyright(c) 2009 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved. */
/* */
#include <stdio.h>
#include "DrvGPIO.h"
#include "DrvI2C.h"
#include "DrvSYS.h"
#include "DrvUART.h"
/* Global variables */
uint8_t Device_Addr0;
uint8_t Tx_Data0[3];
uint8_t Rx_Data0;
uint8_t DataLen0;
volatile uint8_t EndFlag0 = 0;
uint8_t Addr1[3] = {0};
uint8_t DataLen1;
uint8_t Slave_Buff1[32] = {0};
uint16_t Slave_Buff_Addr1;
/* I2C1 (Slave) Callback Function */
void I2C1_Callback_Slave(uint32_t status)
printf(" NUC120_HOT_I2C1_Interrupt is running : Status 0x%x \n", status);
if ((status == 0x60) || (status == 0x68)) /* SLA+W has been received and ACK has been returned */
DataLen1 = 0;
DrvI2C_Ctrl(I2C_PORT1, 0, 0, 1, 1);
else if (status == 0x80) /* DATA has been received and ACK has been returned */
Addr1[DataLen1++] = DrvI2C_ReadData(I2C_PORT1);
if (DataLen1 == 2)
Slave_Buff_Addr1 = (Addr1[0] << 8) + Addr1[1];
if ((DataLen1 == 3) && (Slave_Buff_Addr1 < 32))
Slave_Buff1[Slave_Buff_Addr1] = Addr1[2];
DataLen1 = 0;
DrvI2C_Ctrl(I2C_PORT1, 0, 0, 1, 1);
else if ((status == 0xB0) || (status == 0xA8)) /* SLA+R has been received and ACK has been returned */
DrvI2C_WriteData(I2C_PORT1, Slave_Buff1[Slave_Buff_Addr1++]);
if (Slave_Buff_Addr1 >= 32)
Slave_Buff_Addr1 = 0;
DrvI2C_Ctrl(I2C_PORT1, 0, 0, 1, 1);
else if (status == 0xC0) /* DATA has been transmitted and NACK has been received */
DrvI2C_Ctrl(I2C_PORT1, 0, 0, 1, 1);
else if (status == 0xA0) /* STOP or Repeat START has been received */
DataLen1 = 0;
DrvI2C_Ctrl(I2C_PORT1, 0, 0, 1, 1);
printf("Status 0x%x is NOT processed\n", status);
/* Main Function */
int32_t main (void)
uint32_t u32data, i;
STR_UART_T sParam;
/* Waiting for 12M Xtal stalble */
/* Set UART I/O */
/* Select UART Clock Source From 12MHz */
DrvSYS_SelectIPClockSource(E_SYS_UART_CLKSRC, 0);
/* UART Setting */
sParam.u32BaudRate = 115200;
sParam.u8cDataBits = DRVUART_DATABITS_8;
sParam.u8cStopBits = DRVUART_STOPBITS_1;
sParam.u8cParity = DRVUART_PARITY_NONE;
sParam.u8cRxTriggerLevel= DRVUART_FIFO_1BYTES;
/* Set UART Configuration */
DrvUART_Open(UART_PORT0, &sParam);
printf("| I2C Slave Driver Sample Code |\n");
printf(" I/O Configuration: \n");
printf(" I2C1 SCL <-->PIN 4 \n");
printf(" I2C1 SDA <-->PIN 5 \n");
printf(" I2C1 VCC <-->I2C0 VCC \n");
printf(" I2C1 GND <-->I2C0 GND \n");
/* Set I2C I/O */
/* Open I2C1, and set clock = 100Kbps */
DrvI2C_Open(I2C_PORT1, 100000);
/* Set I2C0 slave addresses */
// DrvI2C_SetAddress(I2C_PORT0, 0, 0x15, 0);
// DrvI2C_SetAddress(I2C_PORT0, 1, 0x35, 0);
// DrvI2C_SetAddress(I2C_PORT0, 2, 0x55, 0);
// DrvI2C_SetAddress(I2C_PORT0, 3, 0x75, 0);
/* Set I2C1 slave addresses */
DrvI2C_SetAddress(I2C_PORT1, 0, 0x16, 0);
DrvI2C_SetAddress(I2C_PORT1, 1, 0x36, 0);
DrvI2C_SetAddress(I2C_PORT1, 2, 0x56, 0);
DrvI2C_SetAddress(I2C_PORT1, 3, 0x76, 0);
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
Slave_Buff1[i] = 0;
/* Set AA bit, I2C1 as slave (To simulate a 24LXX EEPROM) */
DrvI2C_Ctrl(I2C_PORT1, 0, 0, 0, 1);
/* Enable I2C1 interrupt and set corresponding NVIC bit */
/* Install I2C1 call back function for slave */
DrvI2C_InstallCallback(I2C_PORT1, I2CFUNC, I2C1_Callback_Slave);
printf("I2C Slave Mode is Running.\n");
} |