
Atmel Device Overview

本帖最后由 ddllxxrr 于 2015-8-7 21:51 编辑

ARM Cortex-M Device Families
  • SAM4L Series
    The SAM4L (Cortex-M4) series offers lowest power consumption and fastest wake-up. The devices feature an LCD controller, capacitive touch module and USB host.
  • SAM4E Series
    The SAM4E (Cortex-M4F) series offers a rich set of advanced connectivity peripherals including 10/100Mbps Ethernet MAC supporting IEEE 1588 and dual CAN.
  • SAM4S Series
    The SAM4S series (Cortex-M4) offers high performance and a rich set of peripherals with up to 2MB of Flash and 160K of SRAM.
  • SAM3U Series
    The ARM Cortex™-M3 processor-based SAM3U series feature high-speed 480 Mbps USB interfaces, 96MHz operation, and up to 256K Flash.
  • SAM3S Series
    The SAM3S (Cortex-M3) series integrates features to simplify PCB design and reduce power consumption down to 2.3 mW at 1 MHz operation.
  • SAM3A Series
    The SAM3A (Cortex-M3) features connectivity peripherals including a dual CAN interface and high-speed USB (HS USB) MiniHost and device with on-chip physical layer (PHY)
  • SAM3X Series
    The SAM3X (Cortex-M3) brings more connectivity to the SAM3 family by adding Ethernet, dual CAN and high-speed USB (HS USB) MiniHost and device with on-chip physical layer (PHY).
  • SAM3N Series
    The SAM3N series (Cortex-M3) offers high performance, wide peripheral support including a QTouch capacitive touch interface, and lower power consumption.
  • SAMD20 Series new
    The SAMD20 series (Cortex- M0+)  is ideal for many low-power, cost-sensitive industrial and consumer applications.
Various labs give an easy introduction to software development for the Atmel SAM devices with Keil MDK-ARM. Click one of the buttons above to download the lab material.

MDK-ARM Atmel Edition
MDK-Atmel is a complete software development environment forAtmel SAM7 / SAM9 / SAM[D/E/G/L/S/V] / SAM3[A/N/S/U/X] / SAM4[E/L/N/S] devices.
It provides a low-cost entry to developing with Atmel MCU devices without sacrificing the performance or functionality of MDK-ARM.

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ARM7/ARM9 Device Families
  • SAM9 Series
    Atmel's ARM9™ processor-based high-performance MPUs are an ideal solution for mains powered, cost-sensitive industrial applications and building control.
  • SAM7 Series
    The original ARM7TDMI™ processor-based general purpose devices from Atmel.

ARM Cortex-A Device Families
  • SAMA5D3 Series
    Based on the ARM® Cortex™-A5 processor, the Atmel® SAMA5D3 series of embedded microprocessor units (eMPUs) operates at up to 536MHz (850DMIPS) at under 200mW, delivering a high-performance, low-power platform for cost-sensitive industrial and consumer applications.
The SAMA5D3 Series is supported by the ARM Development Studio 5. More information on www.arm.com/ds5

8051 Device Families
Atmel offers a broad range of microcontrollers based on the 8051 architecture ranging in code density from 2K bytes to 128K bytes.

All 8051-based devices are fully supported by Keil C51 Development Tools.


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