我在编译时出现下面警告,是什么问题,是startup.c文件的问题吗?很着急,希望得到解决!把程序下载后,系统老是死进入 错误中断 ,这是什么问题?
Linking Warning[Lp012]: no sections with name DATA_ID included - special symbol DATA_ID$$Base (referenced from C:Documents and Settings兵哥桌面GPIO_IN_OUTDebugObjstartup.o) will be zero
Warning[Lp012]: no sections with name DATA_I included - special symbol DATA_I$$Base (referenced from C:Documents and Settings兵哥桌面GPIO_IN_OUTDebugObjstartup.o) will be zero
Warning[Lp012]: no sections with name DATA_Z included - special symbol DATA_Z$$Base (referenced from C:Documents and Settings兵哥桌面GPIO_IN_OUTDebugObjstartup.o) will be zero