宇宙飞船 发表于 2007-7-18 11:58 ↑English Corner ←返回版面
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A software reset must be included at the beginning of all programs to initialize the control registers after power up. 任何程序的开始必需包含软件复位,以初始化加电后的控制寄存器。 (也就是说软件复位只需做一次,因为上电只有一次) The initialization procedure should be implemented 100ms after power up. 上电后,初始化过程应执行100ms.(100ms是特指以上的软件复位时间)
(为了可靠初始化MT8888,)程序在上电(复位)后延时100 ms才对mt8888的控制寄存器进行初始化操作。
(隐含的含义 :cpu的复位时间要快于mt8888,因此需要在cpu复位100ms之后才对mt8888进行软件的初始化;在原文中,a software reset= to initialize the control registers。)
A software reset must be included at the beginning of all programs to correctly initialize the control registers 100 ms after system power up.