WARNING: The license listed MIT was not in the licenses collected for packagegroup-core-x11-xserver
| WARNING: The license listed MIT was not in the licenses collected for packagegroup-base
| WARNING: The license listed MIT was not in the licenses collected for packagegroup-fsl-gstreamer1.0
| WARNING: The license listed MIT was not in the licenses collected for packagegroup-base
| ls: cannot access /home/lja/fsl-release-bsp/build_x11/tmp/sysroots/imx6qsabresd/pkgdata/runtime-reverse/wpa-supplicant-wl18xx: No such file or directory
| readlink: missing operand
| Try `readlink --help' for more information.
| basename: missing operand
| Try `basename --help' for more information.
| WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.
| DEBUG: Python function do_rootfs finished
| ERROR: Function failed: license_create_manifest (log file is located at /home/lja/fsl-release-bsp/build_x11/tmp/work/imx6qsabresd-poky-linux-gnueabi/fsl-image-gui/1.0-r0/temp/log.do_rootfs.3120)
ERROR: Task 7 (/home/lja/fsl-release-bsp/sources/meta-fsl-bsp-release/imx/meta-fsl-demos/recipes-fsl/images/fsl-image-gui.bb, do_rootfs) failed with exit code '1'
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 6233 tasks of which 6232 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.
No currently running tasks (6232 of 6234)
Summary: 1 task failed:
/home/lja/fsl-release-bsp/sources/meta-fsl-bsp-release/imx/meta-fsl-demos/recipes-fsl/images/fsl-image-gui.bb, do_rootfs
Summary: There was 1 ERROR message shown, returning a non-zero exit code. |