Bits 3:2 IC1PSC: Input Capture 1 Prescaler. This bit-field defines the ratio of the prescaler acting on CC1 input (IC1). The prescaler is reset as soon as CC1E=’0’ (TIMx_CCER register). 00: no prescaler, capture is done each time an edge is detected on the capture input. 01: capture is done once every 2 events. 10: capture is done once every 4 events. 11: capture is done once every 8 events.
IC1PSC[1:0]:输入/捕获1预分频器 这2位定义了CC1输入(IC1)的预分频系数。 一旦CC1E=0(TIMx_CCER寄存器中),则预分频器复位。 00:无预分频器,捕获输入口上检测到的每一个边沿都触发一次捕获; 01:每2个事件触发一次捕获; 10:每4个事件触发一次捕获; 11:每8个事件触发一次捕获。