ST刚刚发布基于STM8系列MCU的电容触摸感应固件库,相信基于STM32的库也很快就会提供。 下载地址:
 ================================================================================ STM8 TOUCH SENSING LIBRARY Release Notes ================================================================================
V1.0.0 / 22-JAN-2009 --------------------
- First official release. - Add clearing of POSCHANGED flag in multichannel.c file.
V0.2.0 / 19-DEC-2008 --------------------
- Second Beta release. - MCKey I/Os can now be individually mapped on any port/pin. - Add MCKeys constant tables to support Wheel and Slider with Interleaved or Normal electrodes layout. - MCKey "direction change" parameters put in the Configuration.h file. This feature can now be enabled or disabled. - Correct bug with DetectionTimeOut on MCKey. - Add check of rejection counter in all SCKey/MCKey treatment routines. - Improvement of IO acquisition: - add rejection counter in the channel structure - change calculation method of measurements min/max limits - add driven shield mask - set "noise" flag if the number of rejected measures is reached - Improvement of "configuration.h" file: - NUMBER_OF_SINGLE_CHANNEL_KEYS and NUMBER_OF_SINGLE_CHANNEL_PORTS are removed. - add MCKEYx_LAYOUT_TYPE to distinguish between Interleaved and Normal electrodes layout. - add GPIOx_ELECTRODES_MASK (replace SCKEYx_BITS and MCKEYx_BITS definitions). - add SCKEY_Px and MCKEYx DRIVEN_SHIELD_MASK - Improvement of "checkconfig.h" file: - NUMBER_OF_SINGLE_CHANNEL_KEYS and NUMBER_OF_SINGLE_CHANNEL_PORTS are automatically calculated.
V0.0.9 / 30-OCT-2008 --------------------
- Add an adjustment after the Delta value calculation. - Add new position offset tables for slider. - In the io driver, the interruptions are disabled before changing the I/O configuration.
V0.0.8 / 20-OCT-2008 --------------------
- Add new parameter in the configuration file to define the MCkey type (wheel or slider). - Add a filtering on Delta2 value during MCKey position calculation. - Change position calculation on slider. - Add 100ms timer flag to be used by the application layer.
V0.0.7 / 09-OCT-2008 --------------------
V0.0.6 / 08-OCT-2008 -------------------- - Change all naming SCKEYn by SCKEY_Pn (with n = 1 to 3). - Add TSLState_T enum typedef. - Add pragma section TSL_IO_ALCODE for aligning the 3 io driver functions. - Change the STM8L timers (TIM3 -> TIM4 for generic timebase and TIM2 -> TIM3 for vih/vil) due to the use of the latest STM8L standard fw library V0.0.2 --> the timers used on STM8L and STM8S are now the same. - Function TSL_Tick_500us changed by TSL_Tick_Base.
V0.0.5 / 01-OCT-2008 --------------------
- Modifications for MISRA compliancy.
V0.0.4 / 15-SEP-2008 --------------------
- Doxygen documentation format added. - Astyle software run on all files.
V0.0.3 / 04-SEP-2008 --------------------
- Conditional compilation added on pragma sections. - type.h and macro.h inclusion removed. - GPIO_TypeDef used from standard peripherals Library.
V0.0.2 / 23-JUL-2008 -------------------- - Bug correction in timer counter reading.
V0.0.1 / 23-JUL-2008 -------------------- - First Alpha release. ======================== (c) 2008 STMicroelectronics ==========================

我最关心的分辩率看ST的手册是 MCKey resolution and direction change parameters MCKEY_RESOLUTION_DEFAULT
Defines the default resolution for Multi-channels keys.
This parameter can take a value between 1 (1-bit resolution) to 8 (8-bit resolution). A Low value will result in a low resolution and will be less subject to noise. A High value will result in a high resolution and will be more subject to noise. Typical value: 4