/** @page FLASH_WriteEraseBlockOnDataEepromMemory Write/Erase Block on data eeprom memory
@par Example description
This example provides a short description on how to use FLASH Write/Erase Block mode on data eeprom memory and benefit for the Read While Write feature: - Program a block at a specified address (0x4000). - Check program block (Read byte). - Erase block using Erase block function. - Check erase (using Read byte).
@par Directory contents
- FLASHFLASH_WriteEraseBlockOnDataEepromMemorymain.c Main file containing the "main" function - FLASHFLASH_WriteEraseBlockOnDataEepromMemorystm8s_conf.h Library Configuration file - FLASHFLASH_WriteEraseBlockOnDataEepromMemorystm8s_it.c Interrupt routines source (not used in this example) - FLASHFLASH_WriteEraseBlockOnDataEepromMemorystm8s_it.h Interrupt routines declaration - FLASHFLASH_WriteEraseBlockOnDataEepromMemorystm8_interrupt_vector.c Interrupt vectors table - FLASHFLASH_WriteEraseBlockOnDataEepromMemorystm8s208.lkf STM8S208 and STM8S207 Linker file - FLASHFLASH_WriteEraseBlockOnDataEepromMemorystm8s105.lkf STM8S105 Linker file
@par Hardware and Software environment
- This example runs only on STM8S208, STM8S207 and STM8S105 devices.
- This example has been tested with STMicroelectronics STM8/128-EVAL evaluation board (STM8S208) and ST Visual Develop (STVD) toolchain (Cosmic compiler). And can be easily tailored to any other supported device and development board.
@par How to use it ?
In order to make the program work, you must do the following : - Create a project and setup all project configuration - Use the linker file given in the directory (stm8sxxx.lkf) -> In STVD Select ProjectSettingsLinkerCategory "input" then unchecks the "Auto" box and in the "Script Lkf file name" field add the dedicated linker file. - When using the STM8S208 or STM8S207 device select the stm8s208.lkf linker file - When using the STM8S105 device select the stm8s105.lkf linker file
- Uncomment the line "#define USE_COSMIC_SECTIONS (1)" to use the cosmic section in the stm8s.h file. - Add the required Library files: - stm8s_flash.c - Edit stm8s.h file to select the device you are working on (#define STM8S208, in this case).
@b Tip: You can tailor the provided project template to run this example, for more details please refer to "stm8s_fwlib_um.chm" user manual; select "Peripheral Examples" then follow the instructions provided in "How to proceed" section. - Rebuild all files: Build-> Rebuild all. - Load project image: Debug->Start Debugging - Run program: Debug->Run (Ctrl+F5) - You can check the value of the bytes at the specified addresses by using the memory window in STVD. - The data read from the data memory is compared with the expected values. The result of this comparison is stored in the "OperationStatus" variable.
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