这个例子的readme.txt说: First, the DMA transfers data from TxBuffer2 buffer to USART2 Transmit data register, then this data is sent to USART1. Data received by USART1 is transferred by DMA and stored in RxBuffer1 then compared with the send ones and the result of this comparison is stored in the "TransferStatus1" variable.
In the same time, the DMA transfers data from TxBuffer1 buffer to USART1 Transmit data register, then this data is sent to USART2. Data received by USART2 is transferred by DMA and stored in RxBuffer2 then compared with the send ones and the result of this comparison is stored in the "TransferStatus2" variable. ================================================
搞不明白USART1的发送移位寄存器的数据怎么就到了 USART2里面了呢? 难道是.......... 需要将串口1和串口2用线相连?? |