[0X01] = 0x0B, // IOCFG1 GDO1 output pin configuration. [0X02] = 0x06, // IOCFG0D GDO0 output pin configuration. Refer to SmartRF?Studio User Manual for detailed pseudo register explanation.
生成的代码杂回事? IOCFG1和IOCFG0明明是0x2e,怎么生成出来的代码变成0x0b和0X06??
const unsigned char rfSettings[] = { [0X0B] = 0x00, // FSCTRL1 Only for compatibility with CCxx00. [0X0C] = 0x00, // FSCTRL0 Only for compatibility with CCxx00. [0X0D] = 0x21, // FREQ2 Frequency control word, high byte. [0X0E] = 0x65, // FREQ1 Frequency control word, middle byte. [0X0F] = 0x6A, // FREQ0 Frequency control word, low byte. [0X10] = 0x8E, // MDMCFG4 Modem configuration. [0X11] = 0x3B, // MDMCFG3 Modem configuration. [0X12] = 0x73, // MDMCFG2 Modem configuration. [0X13] = 0x42, // MDMCFG1 Modem configuration. [0X14] = 0xF8, // MDMCFG0 Modem configuration. [0X0A] = 0x00, // CHANNR Channel number. [0X15] = 0x00, // DEVIATN Modem deviation setting (when FSK modulation is enabled). [0X21] = 0x00, // FREND1 Only for compatibility with CCxx00 [0X22] = 0x10, // FREND0 Front end RX configuration. [0X18] = 0x18, // MCSM0 Main Radio Control State Machine configuration. [0X19] = 0x00, // FOCCFG Only for compatibility with CCxx00. [0X1A] = 0x00, // BSCFG Only for compatibility with CCxx00. [0X1B] = 0x00, // AGCCTRL2 Only for compatibility with CCxx00. [0X1C] = 0x00, // AGCCTRL1 Only for compatibility with CCxx00. [0X1D] = 0x00, // AGCCTRL0 Only for compatibility with CCxx00. [0X23] = 0xEA, // FSCAL3 Frequency synthesizer calibration. [0X24] = 0x2A, // FSCAL2 Frequency synthesizer calibration. [0X25] = 0x00, // FSCAL1 Frequency synthesizer calibration. [0X26] = 0x1F, // FSCAL0 Frequency synthesizer calibration. [0X29] = 0x59, // FSTEST Frequency synthesizer calibration. [0X2C] = 0x88, // TEST2 Various test settings. [0X2D] = 0x31, // TEST1 Various test settings. [0X2E] = 0x09, // TEST0 Various test settings. [0X03] = 0x07, // FIFOTHR RXFIFO and TXFIFO thresholds. [0X01] = 0x0B, // IOCFG1 GDO1 output pin configuration. [0X02] = 0x06, // IOCFG0D GDO0 output pin configuration. Refer to SmartRF?Studio User Manual for detailed pseudo register explanation. [0X07] = 0x00, // PKTCTRL1 Only for compatibility with CCxx00. [0X08] = 0x05, // PKTCTRL0 Packet automation control. [0X09] = 0x00, // ADDR Only for compatibility with CCxx00. [0X06] = 0xFF // PKTLEN Packet length. };
![](https://bbs.21ic.com/upfiles/img/20077/2007721171029609.jpg) |