,要求工作电压是10--24V,其他参数不做要求 UC3842只能工作在16V以上,所以不适合,看了数据手册,一知半解 也不能说UC3842不适合,我也不知道UC3842是否适合, 看了UC3842的数据手册,望文生义,请问下面图片红线当中的开始阀值电压和最少工作电压,两个参数有什么不同?? 还有下面是对收据手册进行翻译,16V开 10V关,那么12V的时候,是开还是关??
Differences between members of this family are the 这个系列当中,各个成员之间的区别是低压阀值锁死,和最大周期范围, under-voltage lockout thresholds and maximum duty cycle ranges.
The UC3842 and UC3844 have UVLO thresholds of 16V (on) and 10V (off), ideally UC3842和UC3844有低压阀值,16V开 10V关 suited off-line applications 很好的适合离线应用 The corresponding thresholds for the UC3843 and UC3845 are 8.5 V and 7.9 V. The UC3842 and UC3843 can operate to duty cycles approaching 100%. A range of the zero to < 50 % is obtained by the UC3844 and UC3845by the additionof aninternal toggleflip flop which blanks the output off every other clock cycle. |