8c20142的4个IO全部用作CapSenseInput,通过I2C传送按键结果。在PSoC Express软件下,添加了“4 GPIO/CS Button Set Compact”后就添加不了“I2C Slave”了,我怎么配置4个CS的按键结果在I2C寄存器对应的位置呢?怎么配置是写I2C寄存器内容还是读I2C寄存器内容呢? 我在reference看到这么一段话,其中谈到I2C bus上发送过slave地址后接下来会“将寄存器内容放到I2C bus上”或者“I2C bus上内容放入寄存器”,具体哪一种根据规则确定。但我没找这个规则怎么配置,还是不明白,请知道的指教一下或者介绍一个8c20142的应用例子参考。 是有cypress在国内刚开始推广还是怎么回事,能参考的资料太少,并且在这个版块发咨询帖也没有回应,这个版块难道不是cypress主办的吗? PSoC Express reference上的那段话:“If an I2C interface valuator is added to a project, PSoC Express exposes the SystemVars data to the I2C interface as a set of registers, which are addressable as I2C sub-addresses representing byte offsets from the beginning of SystemVars. In starting an I2C transaction, the I2C master transmits the sub-address byte immediately after transmitting the slave address byte over the bus. The PSoC Express application (the I2C slave) then either transmits a string of bytes from SystemVars to the bus or receives a string of bytes from the bus into SystemVars according to the rules described above.”