本帖最后由 zengweitotty 于 2015-11-5 11:13 编辑
作为FX3DMA方式进行read的时候需要注意一下事项。 以下是I2C的配置。当产生RX_DONE时应该手动SetWrapUp。 #ifdef WEIZ void I2cIntrCb( CyU3PI2cEvt_t evt, /**< Type of event that occured.*/ CyU3PI2cError_t error /**< Specifies the actual error/statuscode when the eventis of type CY_U3P_I2C_EVENT_ERROR. */ ){ if(evt == CY_U3P_I2C_EVENT_RX_DONE){ CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "RX done isdetect!\n"); CyU3PDmaChannelSetWrapUp(&glI2cRxHandle); } } CyU3PReturnStatus_t CyU3PInitializeI2c ( CyU3PI2cFreq_t freq /* Frequency 100KHz or 400KHz */ ) { CyU3PI2cConfig_t i2cConfig; CyU3PReturnStatus_t status = CY_U3P_SUCCESS; CyU3PDmaChannelConfig_t dmaConfig; /* Initialize andconfigure the I2C master module. If the block is already started go aheadand set configuration to override any presetconfiguration*/ status= CyU3PI2cInit (); if ((status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS) && (status!= CY_U3P_ERROR_ALREADY_STARTED)) { return status; } /* Start the I2Cmaster block. The bit rate is set to 100KHz or 400KHz. */ CyU3PMemSet ((uint8_t *)&i2cConfig, 0,sizeof(i2cConfig)); i2cConfig.bitRate = 100000; switch (freq) { case CY_U3P_I2C_100KHZ: i2cConfig.bitRate = 100000; break; case CY_U3P_I2C_400KHZ: i2cConfig.bitRate = 400000; break; default: return CY_U3P_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENT; } i2cConfig.busTimeout = 0xFFFFFFFF; i2cConfig.dmaTimeout = 0xFFFF; // i2cConfig.isDma = CyFalse; i2cConfig.isDma = CyTrue; status= CyU3PI2cSetConfig (&i2cConfig,I2cIntrCb); CyU3PMemSet ((uint8_t *)&dmaConfig, 0,sizeof(dmaConfig)); dmaConfig.size = 64; /* No buffers needto be allocated as this will be used * only in override mode. */ dmaConfig.count = 2; dmaConfig.prodAvailCount = 0; dmaConfig.dmaMode = CY_U3P_DMA_MODE_BYTE; dmaConfig.prodHeader = 0; dmaConfig.prodFooter = 0; dmaConfig.consHeader = 0; dmaConfig.notification = 0; dmaConfig.cb = NULL; /* Create a channelto write to the EEPROM. */ dmaConfig.prodSckId = CY_U3P_CPU_SOCKET_PROD; dmaConfig.consSckId = CY_U3P_LPP_SOCKET_I2C_CONS; status= CyU3PDmaChannelCreate (&glI2cTxHandle, CY_U3P_DMA_TYPE_MANUAL_OUT, &dmaConfig); if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS) { // CyCx3AppErrorHandler(status); } /* Create a channelto read from the EEPROM. */ dmaConfig.prodSckId = CY_U3P_LPP_SOCKET_I2C_PROD; dmaConfig.consSckId = CY_U3P_CPU_SOCKET_CONS; status= CyU3PDmaChannelCreate (&glI2cRxHandle, CY_U3P_DMA_TYPE_MANUAL_IN, &dmaConfig); if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS) { // CyCx3AppErrorHandler(status); } return status; } #endif
以下是进行操作的函数。注意buf_p.size应该是16的倍数。传输完成需要通过callback手动提交到Consumersocket。 #ifdef WEIZ CyU3PReturnStatus_t SensorRead ( uint8_t slaveAddr, uint8_t highAddr, uint8_t lowAddr, uint8_t count, uint8_t *buf) { CyU3PReturnStatus_t apiRetStatus = CY_U3P_SUCCESS; CyU3PI2cPreamble_t preamble; /* Validate the I2Cslave address. */ if ((slaveAddr !=SENSOR_ADDR_WR) && (slaveAddr != I2C_MEMORY_ADDR_WR)) { CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "I2C Slaveaddress is not valid!\n"); return 1; } if (count > 64) { CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "ERROR:SensorWrite count > 64\n"); return 1; } CyU3PDmaBuffer_t buf_p; /* Update the preambleinformation. */ /* Set theparameters for the I2C API access and then call the write API. */ preamble.buffer[0] = slaveAddr &I2C_SLAVEADDR_MASK; /* Mask out the transfer type bit. */ preamble.buffer[1] = highAddr; preamble.buffer[2] = lowAddr; preamble.buffer[3] = slaveAddr; preamble.length = 4; preamble.ctrlMask = 0x0004; buf_p.size = (count + 15) &0xF0; buf_p.count = count; buf_p.status = 0; buf_p.buffer = buf; apiRetStatus= CyU3PDmaChannelSetupSendBuffer(&glI2cTxHandle,&buf_p); if (apiRetStatus != CY_U3P_SUCCESS) { CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "Write Notsuccessful 1 return value %x\r\n",apiRetStatus); return apiRetStatus; } apiRetStatus= CyU3PI2cSendCommand (&preamble,count, CyFalse); if (apiRetStatus != CY_U3P_SUCCESS) { CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "Write Notsuccessful 2 return value %x\r\n",apiRetStatus); return apiRetStatus; } // CyU3PThreadSleep(4); apiRetStatus= CyU3PDmaChannelWaitForCompletion(&glI2cTxHandle, (count+ 20 )/ 10); if (apiRetStatus != CY_U3P_SUCCESS) { // CyU3PDebugPrint(4, "Read Not successful 3\r\n"); // CyU3PDmaChannelSetWrapUp(&glI2cTxHandle); return apiRetStatus; } return apiRetStatus; } #endif |