Board Support Package (BSP): this layer offers a set of APIs related to the hardware
components on the hardware boards (Audio codec, I/O expander, Touchscreen, SRAM
driver, LCD drivers. etc…) and composed of two parts:
– Component: is the driver related to the external device on the board and not
related to the STM32, the component driver provides specific APIs to the BSP
driver’s external components and can be ported to any board.
– BSP driver: it enables the component driver to be linked to a specific board and
provides a set of user-friendly APIs. The API naming rule is
BSP_FUNCT_Action(): ex. BSP_LED_Init(),BSP_LED_On()
It's based on a modular architecture that allows it to be ported easily
比如板子上的东东BSP_FUNCT_Action(): ex. BSP_LED_Init(),BSP_LED_On()
Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL): this layer provides the low level drivers and the
hardware interfacing methods to interact with the upper layers (application, libraries
and stacks). It provides generic, multi instance and function-oriented APIs which allow
to offload the user application implementation by providing ready-to-use processes. For
example, for the communication peripherals (I2S, UART…)
Basic peripheral usage examples: this layer contains examples of basic operation of
the STM32F4 peripherals using only the HAL and BSP resources.