
Cypress PSoC 4XX7蓝牙低功耗(BLE)开发方案

stiz|  楼主 | 2015-11-28 20:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Cypress公司的PSoC 4XX7系列是可扩展和可重配置的平台架构,是一个包含ARM® Cortex™-M0 CPU 的可编程嵌入式系统控制器,包括集成低功耗蓝牙(BLE)的微控制器, 无线模块和子系统以及数字可编程逻辑,高性能的模数转换(ADC),比较器模式的运算放大器以及标准通信和时序外设.本文介绍了PSoC 4XX7_BLE主要特性,框图, BLE系列系统应用连接图以及CY8CKIT-042-BLE 蓝牙低功耗Pioneer开发套件主要特性,电路图和材料清单,PCB设计文件.

PSoC® 4 是一个可扩展和可重配置的平台架构,是一个包含ARM® Cortex™-M0 CPU 的可编程嵌入式系统控制器。它把可编程、可重新配置的模拟和数字模块与灵活的自动布线资源相结合。基于该平台的PSoC 4XX7_BLE 系列产品集成了下面各成分:集成低功耗蓝牙(简称BLE,还称为Bluetooth Smart)的微控制器、无线模块和子系统。其他功能包括数字可编程逻辑、高性能的模数转换(ADC) 、比较器模式的运算放大器以及标准通信和时序外设。为了满足新应用和设计的要求, PSoC 4XX7_BLE 产品完全能够与PSoC 4 平台系列产品向上兼容。可编程模拟和数字子系统支持在运行环境下调整的灵活设计。

PSoC 4XX7_BLE主要特性:

32 位MCU 子系统
■ 带有单周期乘法的48 MHz ARM Cortex-M0 CPU
■ 包含读取加速器的闪存可达128 KB
■ SRAM 容量高达16 KB
BLE 无线和子系统
■ 具有驱动50 Ω 天线功能的2.4 GHz RF 接收器
■ 数字PHY
■ 链路层引擎支持主设备模式和从设备模式
■ RF 输出功率范围:–18 dBm ~ +3 dBm
■ RX 灵敏度:–92 dBm
■ RX 电流:18.7 mA
■ 在0 dBm 时, TX 电流为16.5 mA
■ RSSI:1 dB 分辨率
■ 四个运算放大器包括可重新配置的高驱动外部/ 高带宽内部驱动器、比较器模式和ADC 输入缓存功能。能够在深度睡眠模式下运行。
■ 12 位分辨率、1 Msps 采样率的SAR ADC 包括差分模式、单端模式和具有信号求平均功能的通道序列发生器。
■ 每个引脚上的两个电流DAC (IDAC)用于通用目的或电容式感应应用场合
■ 在深度睡眠模式下操作的两个低功耗比较器可编程的数字模块
■ 四个可编程的逻辑模块(又称通用数字模块UDB),每个模块包含8 个宏单元和数据路径
■ 塞普拉斯提供了外设组件库、用户定义的状态机以及Verilog 输入
■ 活动模式:3 MHz 的闪存执行程序中,电流为1.7 mA
■ 深度睡眠模式:在WCO 打开时,电流为1.3 μA
■ 休眠模式:在RAM 保留数
■ 赛普拉斯的电容式Sigma-Delta 触摸感应(CSD)提供了一流的信噪比(SNR > 5:1)和耐水性
■ 通过赛普拉斯提供的软件组件可以更容易地实现电容式感应设计
■ 硬件智能调校算法(SmartSense™)
段式LCD 驱动
■ 所有引脚上都支持LCD 驱动(Com 或Seg 驱动)
■ 能够在深度睡眠模式下运行,每个引脚拥有4 位存储器
■ 两个运行独立且可重新配置的串行通信模块(SCB)包含可重新配置I2C、SPI 或UART 功能时序和脉冲宽度调制
■ 四个16 位定时器/ 计数器脉冲宽度调制器(TCPWM)模块
■ 中心对齐模式、边缘模式和伪随机模式
■ 基于比较器触发的停止(Kill)信号可用于电机驱动以及其它可靠性较高的数字逻辑应用
多达36 个可编程的GPIO
■ 56 引脚7 mm × 7 mm QFN 封装
■ 3.51 mm × 3.91 mm 的68 引脚球形焊盘CSP 封装
■ 任何GPIO 引脚可用作CapSense、LCD、模拟或数字引脚功能
■ 两个过压容限(Overvoltage-tolerant, OVT)引脚符合I2C 接口规范;驱动模式、驱动强度和转换速率均是可编程的
PSoC Creator™ 设计环境
■ 集成开发环境(IDE)提供了原理图设计输入和编译(包括模拟和数字自动布线)
■ 用于所有固定功能外设和可编程外设的API 组件行业标准软件的兼容性
■ 输入原理图后,可以使用基于ARM 的行业标准开发工具进行开发

图1. PSoC 4XX7_BLE系列框图

图2. PSoC 4XX7_BLE系列系统应用连接图

CY8CKIT-042-BLE 蓝牙低功耗Pioneer开发套件

The CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit is intended for use as a development platform for hardware or software in a laboratory environment. The board is an open system design, which does not include a shielded enclosure. For this reason, the board may cause interference with other electrical or electronic devices in close proximity. In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference. In such cases, the user may be required to take adequate preventive measures. Also, this board should not be used near any medical equipment or RF devices.

The CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit is intended for use as a development, demonstration and evaluation platform for hardware or software in a laboratory environment. The kit is not intended for general consumer use. It generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy. It has not been tested for compliance with the limits applicable under any standard. Operation of the equipment may cause interference with radio communications, in which case the user at his own expense will be required to take whatever measures may be required to correct this interference. Cypress recommends that the kit only be used in a shielded room.

Thank you for your interest in the CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit. This kit is designed to showcase the functionality and ease of use of PSoC® 4 BLE and PRoC™ BLE devices while developing Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth Smart) applications. Cypress’s BLE solution provides an easy-to-use, intuitive GUI to configure the BLE protocol stack using a BLE component available in the Cypress standard integrated development environment (IDE), PSoC Creator.

The CySmart PC tool allows emulation of a central device and quick access to peripheral connections and debugging. The solution provides a true single-chip solution with an integrated balun, Cypress’s industry-leading capacitive sensing technology, an analog front end (AFE) for biometric sensors, and digital peripherals suited to a wide variety of applications. Designed for flexibility, this kit offers footprint compatibility with several third-party Arduino™ shields. The kit includes a provision to populate an extra header to support Digilent® Pmod™ peripheral modules. In addition, the board features a CapSense® slider, an RGB LED, a push-button switch, an integrated USB programmer, a program and debug header, an F-RAM, and USB-UART/I2C bridges.


■ BLE Pioneer Baseboard preloaded with the CY8CKIT-142 PSoC 4 BLE Module
■ CY5671 PRoC BLE Module
■ CY5670 CySmart USB Dongle
■ Quick start guide
■ USB standard A to mini-B cable
■ Four jumper wires (4 inch) and two proximity sensor wires (5 inch)
■ Coin cell

图2. Pioneer开发套件外形图


The BLE Pioneer Baseboard consists of the blocks shown in Figure3.
2. BLE module reset button
3. CapSense proximity header
4. User button
5. CapSense slider
6. LDO 1.9 V~5 V
7. Arduino compatible I/O header (J2)
8. Arduino compatible power header (J1)
9. Digilent Pmod compatible I/O header (J5)
10.Cypress F-RAM 1 Mb (FM24V10-G)
11.PSoC 5LP I/O header (J8)
12.PSoC 5LP - programmer and debugger (CY8C5868LTI-LP039)
13.Coin cell holder (bottom side)
14.USB connector (J13)
15.Power LED
16.Status LED
17.System power supply jumper (J16)
18.Arduino compatible I/O header (J3)
19.Arduino compatible I/O header (J4)
20.BLE power supply jumper (J15)
21.BLE module headers (J10/J11)

图3. Pioneer开发板外形图

图4. Pioneer开发板电路图(1)

图5. Pioneer开发板电路图(2)

图6. Pioneer开发板电路图(3)

图7. Pioneer开发板电路图(4)

图8. Pioneer开发板电路图(5)

图9. Pioneer开发套件BLE模块外形图

图10. Pioneer开发套件BLE模块电路图

图11. Pioneer开发套件BLE Dongle外形图

图12. Pioneer开发套件BLE Dongle电路图(1)

图13. Pioneer开发套件BLE Dongle电路图(2)
Pioneer开发套件BLE Pioneer板材料清单:

CY5671 PRoC BLE模块材料清单:

CY8CKIT-142 PRoC 4 BLE模块材料清单:


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