本帖最后由 zengweitotty 于 2015-12-29 11:55 编辑
本贴讲解了Rtos example 中该如何正确使用,英文写的,就不翻译了。有空的时候给翻译成中文。
1. If you face the issue like following error code.
Error: Failed to register thread monitoring GPIO, status = 255
Error: Failed to register mutex monitoring GPIO, status = 255
Error: Failed to register semaphore monitoring GPIO, status = 255
Error: Failed to register event group monitoring GPIO, status = 255
2. The root cause is you do not enable CYU3P_PROFILE_ENmacro, our library libcyu3threadx.a has already enable the feature.
UINT tx_thread_set_profile_gpio(TX_THREAD *thread_ptr, ULONG gpio_id)
/* *******************
/* Return successto caller. */
/* Feature is notenabled, return error. */
return(TX_FEATURE_NOT_ENABLED); //returnerror code 0xFF
3. In the following snapshot of fx3_profile_debug.mak whenbuild the library, we enable the definition CYU3P_PROFILE_EN=1
3. So you could choose the library from the following steps.
4. This selection will the library in the following PATH: "${FX3_INSTALL_PATH}/fw_lib/${FX3SDKVERSION}/fx3_profile_debug"
5. Then you could NOT see the previously error.