* Name: Gpio.c * Purpose: GPIO usage for STM32 * Version: V1.00
The 'GPIO' project is a simple program for the STM32F103RBT6 using Keil 'MCBSTM32' Evaluation Board and demonstrating the use of the GPIO ports.
- Pressing buttons S2, S3 move the lit LED. press S2 to move the lit LED to the right press S3 to move the lit LED to the left The Gpio program is available in different targets: Simulator: - configured for software Simulator MCBSTM32: - runs from Internal Flash located on chip (used for production or target debugging) ================================== 这个例子不知道大家有没有。 最早的GPIO在RAM里面调试的例子。 我现在能够把S2 S3在GPIO.C的程序中修改对应的GPIO管脚。 A口和C口对换,TAMPER和WAKEUP对换没问题。 但是,如果把JOYSTICK加入的话,因为在E口,但是发现一直没找到办法使得GPIO的E口使能。
我现在是这样。 对应的S2 S3下面的GPIOX都会修改。GPIOA和GPIOC这样对换了做没问题。 |