昨天无意中,点开了PSOC Designer 中的帮助文件,发现许多问题都能在其中解决,也不知道这算不算一点经验,不知道的,赶紧看一下,不用问别人自己就可以解决问题;知道的,提醒一下了! 举个例子了: Troubleshooting AreaName Not Defined Problem: Warning: area 'AreaName’ not defined in startup file ./obj/boot.o and does not have an link time address.” applies to assembly code as well.
C compiler generates extraneous warning message relating to RAM AREAS.
In projects that make use of RAM AREAs that are not explicitly defined in the boot.asm, the linker may generate the warning message “Warning: area 'AreaName? not defined in startup file './obj/boot.o' and does not have an link time address.
Solution: You may ignore this message. The warning my also safely be ignored in projects that only use assembler