I have a LPC2468 hardware in hand and it is NOT been power-up. And I am looking an LPC-experience-engineer to help:-
-Initialize IIC and SAA7114 on IIC can be accessed. (SAA7114 can be accessed only. Not initialize the SAA7114).
-Enable External Memory Controller (EMC) and should be as standard EMC access timing. Also K9Fxxxx can be accessed.
-Initialize UART0 as 9600, 8, n, 1.
-Initialize UART1 as 9600, 8, n, 1.
-Enable Timer0 as 1ms.
-Enable Timer1 as 100ms.
-Enable GPIO for LED-Run, LED-Signal & Jumper.
-Enable External Interrupt.
-Enable Exteranl SDRAM for application.
-Enable USB.
-All these functions should be in one program.
Shen Zhen |