例如:printf("\n x is %d",x);这样使用打印出的数值完全不是对应的数值。
UINT8 u8Uart_Data;
UINT8 x=0;
extern UINT8 y;
UINT8 z=1;
void main (void)
AUXR1 |= Uart_Port_Sel; // Select P10/P11 as UART pin(default)
InitialUART0_Timer1(9600); // 9600 Baud Rate @ 11.0592MHz
printf ("\n*===================================================================");
printf ("\n* Name: N79E84x Series UART Sample Code.");
printf ("\n*===================================================================");
printf ("\n UART receive a byte and transmit the same byte to PC.\n");
// printf ("\n FOSC_110592=%f\n",FOSC_110592);
printf ("\n x=%d\n",x);
printf ("\n y=%d\n",y);
printf ("\n z=%d\n",z);
// printf ("\n FOSC_221184=%f\n",FOSC_221184);
ES = 1; // Enable serial interrupt
EA = 1; // Enable global interrupt
while(1); // Endless
void UART_ISR(void) interrupt 4
if (RI == 1)
{ // If reception occur
RI = 1; // Clear reception flag for next reception
u8Uart_Data = SBUF; // Read receive data
SBUF = u8Uart_Data; // Send back same data on UART
else TI = 0; // If emission occur
// Clear emission flag for next emission
* Copyright(c) 2014 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
* Sample Name : Nuvoton N79E81x Series Sample Code.
* Contact E-Mail: MicroC-8bit@nuvoton.com
* Sample Version : 1. 0. 2
* Finished Date : 2014. 1.23
* Name: N79E84x Series UART Sample Code.
UART receive a byte and transmit the same byte to PC.
void UART_ISR(void) interrupt 4
if (RI == 1)
{ // If reception occur
RI = 1; // Clear reception flag for next reception
u8Uart_Data = SBUF; // Read receive data
SBUF = u8Uart_Data; // Send back same data on UART
else TI = 0; // If emission occur
// Clear emission flag for next emission