我测试发现每次发送数据太多了溢出标志就不能自动清零了 我想清零 但发现寄存器是制度寄存器 后来仔细一看 清除是 It is cleared by a software sequence (a read to the USART_SR register
followed by a read to the USART_DR register). 这样清的 也看不懂啊 到底怎么清 谢谢各位了
It is cleared by a software sequence (a read to the USART_SR register
followed by a read to the USART_DR register). 这句的意思应该是:由软件清零,读取USART_DR寄存器后再读USART_SR寄存器。就可以清零了。