本帖最后由 xlsbz 于 2010-1-21 16:05 编辑
In this example, both nodes A and B are transmitters performing an arbitration for the CAN bus. The node A has sent its Start of Frame bit less than one bit time earlier than node B, therefore node B has synchronised itself to the received edge from recessive to dominant. Since node B has received this edge delay(A_to_B) after it has been transmitted, B’s bit timing segments are shifted with regard to A. Node B sends an identifier with higher priority and so it will win the arbitration at a specific identifier bit when it transmits a dominant bit while node A transmits a recessive bit. The dominant bit transmitted by node B will arrive at node A after the delay(B_to_A).
一直有个疑问:这个bit time中的bit到底是个啥玩意?
node A transmits a recessive bit.就是说节点A发送了一个隐形位。那么是不是需要一个bit time 呢?
The dominant bit transmitted by node B。就是说节点B发送一个显性位。那么是不是也需要一个bit time?
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