为了阐明其在亚显微比例下的分子特性,研究人员利用单分子成像的技术就可以追踪单个突触(甚至是单个细胞)内部单一蛋白分子的运动和位置信息,利用这种方法,研究者就发现了神经传递过程中的一种精确模式,随后他们又观察了培养中大鼠的突触结构。研究者Thomas Blanpied说道,我们发现了以前此前并未观察到的东西,这或许将开辟一片新的研究领域,很多年来我们在突触中发现了多种类型的分子,但这并不足以帮助我们理解这些分子组装的机制,以及其如何发挥作用,如今利用但分子成像技术对多种关键蛋白进行绘图,我们就揭示了突触内部的核心架构。
A trans-synaptic nanocolumn aligns neurotransmitter release to receptors
Ai-Hui Tang, Haiwen Chen, Tuo P. Li, Sarah R. Metzbower, Harold D. MacGillavry & Thomas A. Blanpied
Synaptic transmission is maintained by a delicate, sub-synaptic molecular architecture, and even mild alterations in synapse structure drive functional changes during experience-dependent plasticity and pathological disorders1, 2. Key to this architecture is how the distribution of presynaptic vesicle fusion sites corresponds to the position of receptors in the postsynaptic density. However, while it has long been recognized that this spatial relationship modulates synaptic strength3, it has not been precisely described, owing in part to the limited resolution of light microscopy. Using localization microscopy, here we show that key proteins mediating vesicle priming and fusion are mutually co-enriched within nanometre-scale subregions of the presynaptic active zone. Through development of a new method to map vesicle fusion positions within single synapses in cultured rat hippocampal neurons, we find that action-potential-evoked fusion is guided by this protein gradient and occurs preferentially in confined areas with higher local density of Rab3-interacting molecule (RIM) within the active zones. These presynaptic RIM nanoclusters closely align with concentrated postsynaptic receptors and scaffolding proteins4, 5, 6, suggesting the existence of a trans-synaptic molecular ‘nanocolumn’. Thus, we propose that the nanoarchitecture of the active zone directs action-potential-evoked vesicle fusion to occur preferentially at sites directly opposing postsynaptic receptor–scaffold ensembles. Remarkably, NMDA receptor activation triggered distinct phases of plasticity in which postsynaptic reorganization was followed by trans-synaptic nanoscale realignment. This architecture suggests a simple organizational principle of central nervous system synapses to maitain and modulate synaptic efficiency. |