

xyz549040622|  楼主 | 2017-3-29 20:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The PGA460-Q1 device is a highly-integrated system on-chip ultrasonic transducer driver and signal conditioner with an advanced DSP core. The device has a complimentary low-side driver pair that can drive a transducer either in a transformer based topology using a step-up transformer or in a direct-drive topology using external high-side FETs. The device can receive and condition the reflected echo signal for reliable object detection. This feature is accomplished using an analog front-end (AFE) consisting of a low-noise amplifier followed by a programmable time-varying gain stage feeding into an ADC. The digitized signal is processed in the DSP core for both near-field and far-field object detection using time-varying thresholds.
The main communication with an external controller is achieved by either a time-command interface (TCI) or a one-wire USART asynchronous interface on the IO pin, or a CMOS-level USART interface on the RXD and TXD pins. The PGA460-Q1 can be put in ultra-low quiescent current low-power mode to reduce power consumption when not in use and can be woken up by commands on the communication interfaces.
The PGA460-Q1 also includes on-chip system diagnostics which monitor transducer voltage during burst, frequency and decay time of transducer to provide information about the integrity of the excitation as well as supply-side and transceiver-side diagnostics for overvoltage, undervoltage, overcurrent and short-circuit scenarios.
For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the data sheet.

  • Fully Integrated Solution for Ultrasonic Sensing
  • AEC-Q100 Qualified With the Following Results:
    • Device Temperature Grade 2: –40°C to +105°C Ambient Operating Temperature
    • Device HBM ESD Classification Level 2
    • Device CDM ESD Classification Level C4B
  • Complimentary Low-Side Drivers With Configurable Current Limit Supporting Both Transformer Based and Direct Drive Topology for Transducer Excitation
  • Single Transducer for Both Burst/Listen or a Transducer Pair, One for Burst and Other for Listen Operation
  • Low-Noise Receiver With Programmable 6-Point Time-Varying Gain (32 to 90 dB) With DSP (BPF, Demodulation) for Echo Envelope Detection
  • Two Presets of 12-Point Time-Varying Threshold for Object Detection
  • Timers to Measure Multiple Echo Distance and Duration
  • Integrated Temperature Sensor
  • Record Time for Object Detection up to 11 m
  • 128 Bytes of RAM for Echo Recording
  • 42 Bytes of User EEPROM to Store Configuration for Fast Initialization
  • One-Wire High-Voltage Time-Command Interface or USART Asynchronous Interface
  • CMOS Level USART Interface
  • Sensor Diagnostics (Decay Frequency and Time, Excitation Voltage), Supply, and Transceiver Diagnostics.


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