2.Reading EEPROM using data Pointer
A pointer can be defined for the EEPROM address as follows:
#define EEPROM_ADDR (unsigned char *) CYDEV_EE_BASE
for (count = 0; count < 255; i++)
EEPROM_Data[count] = EEPROM_ADDR[count];
3.Reading using DMA
The same base address can be used while reading using DMA.
MyCh = DMA_DmaInitialize(0,0,0,0);
MyTd = CyDmaTdAllocate();
CyDmaTdGetConfiguration(MyTd, 255, DMA_INVALID_TD, (TD_INC_SRC_ADR | TD_INC_DST_ADR));
CyDmaTdSetAddress(MyTd, (uint16) CYDEV_EE_BASE, (uint16) EEPROM_Data)