
CYPRESS CY8CKIT-040 PSoC 4000 Pioneer Development Kit

本帖最后由 巧克力娃娃 于 2017-5-16 08:51 编辑

The PSoC 4000 Pioneer Kit is an easy-to-use and inexpensive development platform enabling you to create unique designs with the industry’s smallest ARM® Cortex-M0 device, the PSoC 4 CY8C4000 device family.Featuring the PSoC 4000 device family, this kit provides you the power of a low cost ARM device combined with the fully customizable analog and digital fabric of a PSoC.
Industry's Best CapSense
The PSoC 4000 device offers high end CapSense features at a low cost.The PSoC 4000 device family supports the industry’s best CapSense technology.The CY8CKIT-040 kit enables CapSense functionality by providing a Trackpad shield that plugs into the CY8CKIT-040 kit.Using this shield you can evaluate the industry’s best CapSense to set/change LED colors and brightness on the PSoC 4000 Kit.

Entry Level PSoC 4
The CY8CKIT-040 PSoC 4000 Development Kit provides users a low cost development platform to design unique applications targeting the entry level PSoC 4 ARM Cortex-M0 devices.The CY8CKIT-040 PSoC 4000 Development Kit enables low cost devices with high end functionality.The CY8CKIT-040 development kit supports an open platform, enabling complete access to the PSoC 4000 device via onboard headers that support the Arduino hardware community.We enable programming, debugging, and serial bridge debugging via the onboard ARM Cortext-M3 PSoC 5LP device.The kit provides users with onboard memory storage via Cypress’s non-volatile low cost F-RAM I2C memory device.Finally, the CY8CKIT-040 comes with a pluggable Trackpad shield and example projects to fully test and evaluate CapSense solutions.The CY8CKIT-040 is truly a high end development platform at a low cost.
Scalable PSoC 4 Architecture
The CY8CKIT-040 Kit enables the lowest cost ARM Cortex-M0 device and represents the lowest end of our PSoC 4 device family. Customers developing projects and designs using the PSoC 4000 device family have the ability to migrate their design to feature rich PSoC 4100 and 4200 devices easily and efficiently using the PSoC Creator development environment. The code and component migration will be handled by PSoC Creator by simply selecting your new target device in PSoC Creator, no fear of re-writing code or selecting new components. The device migration is smooth and intuitive.

  • Kit Contents:

    • CY8CKIT-040 PSoC 4000 Pioneer Kit
    • Trackpad Shield Board
    • 6 Jumper Wires
    • Quick Start Guide
    • USB Cable


houbin1234| | 2017-5-17 11:02 | 只看该作者
您好!我司专注飞思卡尔,赛普拉斯,主要代理国内外现货库存,价格优势,可以提供样品,专业工程帮忙代烧录程序,希望能帮到大家!! 联系方式:QQ:657290025


leijixiaomile| | 2017-6-16 17:25 | 只看该作者
PSoC 4000系列的板子,这个帅


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