吐槽下, 兆易芯片的技术支持不是一般的差, 不是不懂还是故做高深,给的资料要一份就给一份, 从来不会主动给份多余的。 除了问你什么时候投产、什么时候下单问的紧外技术方面就不会有过多解答, 论坛里还有个所谓的技术支持问为什么不能软件仿真地址出错都不知道解答。
我在接触GD32F130中碰到不少问题,都是与GD32F130器件本身有关的,除了自己摸索外要是指望你们的技术支持就别想了, 给个DEMO版例程我粗看很高兴以为齐全, 结果细看就前面一个GPIO口稍微规范,其它全是网上不知道那抄出来的, 连个FLASH操作、AF管脚映射、PWM、TIM这类和器件联系紧密的例程都没有。
这是我要问的问题, 见图,
GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOA,GPIO_PINSOURCE3,GPIO_AF_2); 这管脚复用的GPIO_AF_2 的连接定义资料在哪, 不要莫名其妙的就给个
#define GPIO_AF_0 ((uint8_t)0x00)
#define GPIO_AF_1 ((uint8_t)0x01)
#define GPIO_AF_2 ((uint8_t)0x02)
#define GPIO_AF_3 ((uint8_t)0x03)
#define GPIO_AF_4 ((uint8_t)0x04)
#define GPIO_AF_5 ((uint8_t)0x05)
#define GPIO_AF_6 ((uint8_t)0x06)
#define GPIO_AF_7 ((uint8_t)0x07)
这堆数据联系谁在哪, 在你们官网找了一堆都没看到。你看STM32的,
* This GPIO_AF can be one of the following values:
* @arg GPIO_AF_RTC_50Hz: Connect RTC_50Hz pin to AF0 (default after reset)
* @arg GPIO_AF_MCO: Connect MCO pin (MCO1 and MCO2) to AF0 (default after reset)
* @arg GPIO_AF_TAMPER: Connect TAMPER pins (TAMPER_1 and TAMPER_2) to AF0 (default after reset)
* @arg GPIO_AF_SWJ: Connect SWJ pins (SWD and JTAG)to AF0 (default after reset)
* @arg GPIO_AF_TRACE: Connect TRACE pins to AF0 (default after reset)
* @arg GPIO_AF_TIM1: Connect TIM1 pins to AF1
* @arg GPIO_AF_TIM2: Connect TIM2 pins to AF1
* @arg GPIO_AF_TIM3: Connect TIM3 pins to AF2
* @arg GPIO_AF_TIM4: Connect TIM4 pins to AF2
* @arg GPIO_AF_TIM5: Connect TIM5 pins to AF2
* @arg GPIO_AF_TIM8: Connect TIM8 pins to AF3
* @arg GPIO_AF_TIM9: Connect TIM9 pins to AF3
* @arg GPIO_AF_TIM10: Connect TIM10 pins to AF3
* @arg GPIO_AF_TIM11: Connect TIM11 pins to AF3
* @arg GPIO_AF_I2C1: Connect I2C1 pins to AF4
* @arg GPIO_AF_I2C2: Connect I2C2 pins to AF4
* @arg GPIO_AF_I2C3: Connect I2C3 pins to AF4
* @arg GPIO_AF_SPI1: Connect SPI1 pins to AF5
* @arg GPIO_AF_SPI2: Connect SPI2/I2S2 pins to AF5
* @arg GPIO_AF_SPI3: Connect SPI3/I2S3 pins to AF6
* @arg GPIO_AF_I2S3ext: Connect I2S3ext pins to AF7
* @arg GPIO_AF_USART1: Connect USART1 pins to AF7
* @arg GPIO_AF_USART2: Connect USART2 pins to AF7
* @arg GPIO_AF_USART3: Connect USART3 pins to AF7
* @arg GPIO_AF_UART4: Connect UART4 pins to AF8
* @arg GPIO_AF_UART5: Connect UART5 pins to AF8
* @arg GPIO_AF_USART6: Connect USART6 pins to AF8
* @arg GPIO_AF_CAN1: Connect CAN1 pins to AF9
* @arg GPIO_AF_CAN2: Connect CAN2 pins to AF9
* @arg GPIO_AF_TIM12: Connect TIM12 pins to AF9
* @arg GPIO_AF_TIM13: Connect TIM13 pins to AF9
* @arg GPIO_AF_TIM14: Connect TIM14 pins to AF9
* @arg GPIO_AF_OTG_FS: Connect OTG_FS pins to AF10
* @arg GPIO_AF_OTG_HS: Connect OTG_HS pins to AF10
* @arg GPIO_AF_ETH: Connect ETHERNET pins to AF11
* @arg GPIO_AF_FSMC: Connect FSMC pins to AF12
* @arg GPIO_AF_OTG_HS_FS: Connect OTG HS (configured in FS) pins to AF12
* @arg GPIO_AF_SDIO: Connect SDIO pins to AF12
* @arg GPIO_AF_DCMI: Connect DCMI pins to AF13
* @arg GPIO_AF_EVENTOUT: Connect EVENTOUT pins to AF15
说的清清楚楚,我PA3 要联系TIM2 ,这还是网上搜的, 问了技术支持也答不出来,那我以后别的管脚要复用别的功能按什么准则?
这就是那10多K 工资技术支持的水平?
当初用这个芯片就是因为GD32去年有人免费送样要了5片样品, 结果电话和QQ就没消停过,用STM32用的蛮好, 你要我用你们GD32 至少技术问题跟的上吧, 做研发的不是老板谁还真在乎那20%成本的差距,