我用的芯片是PIC30F6011,是根据PIC30F6014A的CAN自收发(CAN_Loopback.C)例程,修改的,用到的can通道为CAN2,别的都没用到,只想调试 CAN通讯部分,目的也很简单,见简单调试下30F6011的can通道和周立功收发器的连接。但修改过来后,发现RX和TX上有波形,但就是和周立功收发器不能正常通讯,发送失败总会。。可能是波特率的问题,我这里想用500K的波特率,不知道程序中这样是否对的?芯片用到一个外部8M晶振。
* Demo program showing CAN Module working in LoopBack Mode for dsPIC30F6014A Series
#include <p30F6011.h>
#define FCY 32000000 // 32 MHz
#define BITRATE 500000 // 1Mbps
#define NTQ 15 // Number of Tq cycles which will make the
//CAN Bit Timing .
#define BRP_VAL ((FCY/(2*NTQ*BITRATE))-1) //Formulae used for C1CFG1bits.BRP
// Buffer Registers for CAN data to be send out in the transmit mode.
unsigned int OutData0[4] = {0x5251, 0x5453, 0x5655, 0x5857};
unsigned int OutData1[2] = {0x5A59, 0x5C5B};
unsigned int OutData2[4] = {0x6261, 0x6463, 0x6665, 0x6867};
unsigned int OutData3[2] = {0x6A69, 0x6C6B};
// Intilializing the receive registers to be 0
unsigned int InData0[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
unsigned int InData1[2] = {0, 0};
unsigned int InData2[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
unsigned int InData3[2] = {0, 0};
int main(void)
TRISD = 0x0000; // Initialize the PORTD as output
LATD = 0xFFFF; // Initially LEDs of dsPICDEM1.1 Plus GP Board are off
//Initialization of CAN1 Module and Enabling of CAN1 Interrupts
C1CTRLbits.CANCKS = 1; // Select the CAN Master Clock . It is equal to Fcy here.
// equal to Fcy.(Fcy=30Mhz)
C1CFG1bits.SJW=00; //Synchronized jump width time is 1 x TQ when SJW is equal to 00
C1CFG1bits.BRP = BRP_VAL; //((FCY/(2*NTQ*BITRATE))-1)
C1CFG2 = 0x03F5; // SEG1PH=6Tq, SEG2PH=3Tq, PRSEG=5Tq
// Sample 3 times
// Each bit time is 15Tq
///Interrupt Section of CAN Peripheral
C1INTF = 0; //Reset all The CAN Interrupts
IFS1bits.C1IF = 0; //Reset the Interrupt Flag status register
C1INTE = 0x00FF; //Enable all CAN interrupt sources
IEC1bits.C1IE = 1; //Enable the CAN1 Interrupt
//Initialization of CAN2 Module and Enabling of CAN2 Interrupts
C2CTRLbits.CANCKS = 1; // Select the CAN Module Frequency Here CAN Master Clk is
// equal to Fcy.(Fcy=30Mhz)
C2CFG1bits.SJW=00; //Synchronized jump width time is 1 x TQ when SJW is equal to 00
C2CFG1bits.BRP = BRP_VAL; //((FCY/(2*NTQ*BITRATE))-1)
C2CFG2 = 0x03F5; // SEG1PH=6Tq, SEG2PH=3Tq, PRSEG=5Tq
// Sample 3 times
// Each bit time is 15Tq
//CAN2 Interrupt Section
C2INTF = 0; //Reset all The CAN Interrupts
IFS2bits.C2IF = 0; //Reset the Interrupt Flag status register
C2INTE = 0x00FF; //Enable all interrupt sources
IEC2bits.C2IE = 1; //Enable the CAN2 Interrupt
// Configure Receive registers, Filters and Masks
// We are initializing the Receive Buffer 0 and Receive Buffer 1 for CAN1 and CAN2
//我们为CAN1和CAN2初始化接收缓冲区和接收缓冲区的1, 0
C1RX0CON = C1RX1CON = C2RX0CON = C2RX1CON = 0x0000; // Receive Buffer1 and 0 Status
//and Control Register for CAN1 and CAN2
// Acceptance Mask Register0SID and Register1SID associated with Recieve Buffer0
// and Receive Buffer1 for CAN1 and CAN2
// Acceptance Mask Register0EIDH and Register1EIDH associated with Recieve Buffer0
// and Receive Buffer1 for CAN1 and CAN2
// Acceptance Mask Register0EIDL and Register1EIDL associated with Recieve Buffer0
//and Receive Buffer1 for CAN1 and CAN2
//Initializing of Acceptance Filter n Standard Identifier for CAN1
C1RXF0SID = 0x0AA8; //CAN1 Receive Acceptance Filter2 SID
C1RXF2SID = 0x1555; //CAN1 Receive Acceptance Filter2 SID
C1RXF2EIDH = 0x0004; //CAN1 Receive Acceptace Filter2 Extended Identifier high byte
C1RXF2EIDL = 0x8C00; //CAN1 Receive Acceptance Filter2 Extended identifier low byte
//Initializing of Acceptance Filter n Standard Identifier for CAN2
C2RXF0SID = 0x0AA8; //CAN2 Receive Acceptance Filter0 SID
C2RXF2SID = 0x1555; //CAN2 Receive Acceptance Filter2 SID
C2RXF2EIDH = 0x0004; //CAN2 Receive Acceptace Filter2 Extended Identifier high byte
C2RXF2EIDL = 0x8C00; //CAN2 Receive Acceptance Filter2 Extended identifier low byte
// Configure Transmit Registers Buffer 0 and Transmit Buffer 1
//配置发送缓冲寄存器和发送缓冲器0, 1
C1TX0CON = 0x0003; // High priority
C1TX0SID = 0x50A8; // SID
C1TX0EID = 0x0000; // EID
C1TX0DLC = 0x01C0; //Select the Data word Length for CAN1 Transmit Buffer0 which is 8 byte
// Data Field 1,Data Field 2, Data Field 3, Data Field 4 // 8 bytes selected by DLC
C1TX0B1 = OutData0[0];
C1TX0B2 = OutData0[1];
C1TX0B3 = OutData0[2];
C1TX0B4 = OutData0[3];
C1TX1CON = 0x0002; // High Intermediate priority
C1TX1SID = 0xA855; // SID
C1TX1EID = 0x0004; // EID
C1TX1DLC = 0x8DA0; //Select the Data word Length for CAN1 Transmit Buffer1 which
// is 4 byte
//Data Field 1, Data Field 2 // 4 bytes selected by DLC
C1TX1B1 = OutData1[0];
C1TX1B2 = OutData1[1];
C2TX0CON = 0x0003; // High priority
C2TX0SID = 0x50A8; // SID = 01010101010 (0x2AA)
C2TX0EID = 0x0000; // EID = 0000000000000000000 (0x00000)
C2TX0DLC = 0x01C0; //Select the Data word Length for CAN2 Transmit Buffer0 which is
// 8 byte
//Data Field 1,Data Field 2, Data Field 3, Data Field 4 // 8 bytes selected by DLC
C2TX0B1 = OutData2[0];
C2TX0B2 = OutData2[1];
C2TX0B3 = OutData2[2];
C2TX0B4 = OutData2[3];
//Configure Transmit registers // Transmit Buffer 0 and Transmit Buffer 1 for CAN2
C2TX1CON = 0x0002; // High Intermediate priority
C2TX1SID = 0xA855; // SID = 10101010101 (0x555)
C2TX1EID = 0x0004; // EID = 1110000000100100011 (0x00123)
C2TX1DLC = 0x8DA0; //Select the Data word Length for CAN1 Transmit Buffer0 which is
//8 byte
//Data Field 1, Data Field 2 // 4 bytes selected by DLC
C2TX1B1 = OutData3[0];
C2TX1B2 = OutData3[1];
//Change to Loopback Operation Mode from Configuration Mode
// C1CTRLbits.REQOP = 0;
C2CTRLbits.REQOP = 0;
//while(C1CTRLbits.OPMODE != 0);//Wait for CAN1 mode change from Configuration Mode to Loopback mode
while(C2CTRLbits.OPMODE != 0);//Wait for CAN2 mode change from Configuration Mode to Loopback mode
//Enable transmission
//C1TX0CONbits.TXREQ = 1;
//C1TX1CONbits.TXREQ = 1;
C2TX0CONbits.TXREQ = 1;
C2TX1CONbits.TXREQ = 1;
} //end while loop
} //end main loop
//Interrupt Section for CAN1
void __attribute__((interrupt, no_auto_psv)) _C1Interrupt(void)
IFS1bits.C1IF = 0; //Clear interrupt flag
C1INTFbits.TX0IF = 0; //If the Interrupt is due to Transmit0 of CAN1 Clear the Interrupt
else if(C1INTFbits.TX1IF)
C1INTFbits.TX1IF = 0; //If the Interrupt is due to Transmit1 of CAN1 Clear the Interrupt
C1INTFbits.RX0IF = 0; //If the Interrupt is due to Receive0 of CAN1 Clear the Interrupt
InData0[0] = C1RX0B1;
InData0[1] = C1RX0B2; //Move the recieve data from Buffers to InData
InData0[2] = C1RX0B3;
InData0[3] = C1RX0B4;
if ((InData0[0]==OutData0[0]) && (InData0[1]==OutData0[1]) && (InData0[2]==OutData0[2]) && (InData0[3]==OutData0[3]))
LATDbits.LATD0 = 0; // If the data received is same which was transmitted
// turn on the LED
else if(C1INTFbits.RX1IF)
C1INTFbits.RX1IF = 0; //If the Interrupt is due to Receive1 of CAN1 Clear the Interrupt
InData1[0] = C1RX1B1; //Move the data received to Indata Registers
InData1[1] = C1RX1B2;
if ((InData1[0]==OutData1[0]) && (InData1[1]==OutData1[1]))
LATDbits.LATD1 =0; //If the data received is same which was transmitted
//turn on the LED
//Interrupt Section for CAN2
void __attribute__((interrupt, no_auto_psv)) _C2Interrupt(void)
IFS2bits.C2IF = 0; // Clear interrupt flag
C2INTFbits.TX0IF = 0;
else if(C2INTFbits.TX1IF)
C2INTFbits.TX1IF = 0;
C2INTFbits.RX0IF = 0;
InData2[0] = C2RX0B1;
InData2[1] = C2RX0B2;
InData2[2] = C2RX0B3;
InData2[3] = C2RX0B4;
if ((InData2[0]==OutData2[0]) && (InData2[1]==OutData2[1]) && (InData2[2]==OutData2[2]) && (InData2[3]==OutData2[3]))
LATDbits.LATD2 = 0;
else if(C2INTFbits.RX1IF)
C2INTFbits.RX1IF = 0;
InData3[0] = C2RX1B1;
InData3[1] = C2RX1B2;
if ((InData3[0]==OutData3[0]) && (InData3[1]==OutData3[1]))
LATDbits.LATD3 = 0;
那位大侠女侠能不能指导下?联系QQ:601568698 帮忙看看?或则能够提供我个30F6011的CAN2通道的CAN通讯程序?简单的就行。。谢谢 |