nRF2401 vs CC2500 RSSI vs Packet Loss Counting
RSSI will not be able to pick up the disturbance from frequency hopping or ShockBurst enabled systems in a way that is useful to the system protocol :RSSI 不能够获得的跳频通讯与ShockBurst设备 的扰动(干扰),在某种意义上对系统协议无用
Packet Loss Counting will always give the true indication of the channel quality :数据包丢失计数 将 总是 给出 频道品质 的真实指示

The RSSI functionality will not be able to detect the traffic that is actually colliding with own traffic .The Packet Loss Counting method is only taking decisions on the actual packet loss. So why do you need RSSI?
RSSI 功能不能够检测出 实际上已经同自己的通讯相碰撞的 通讯。 数据包丢失计数的方法 是唯一 获得 实际包丢失 的结果