Reading Layer Conversion File
Reading DXF file...
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *Model_Space.
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *Paper_Space.
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D8.
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D9.
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D10.
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D11.
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D12.
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D13.
NOTE: Replacing illegal character * with X in *D14.
ERROR: 3D data has been found in this dxf file.
Most 3D data is not supported by dxf2a.
For the special case of DXF code 230 = -1.0, ARC, CIRCLE
and SOLID entities will be mirrored about the Y axis.
ERROR: 3D data (DXF code 30, value = 0.3658) detected on CIRCLE at line 5496
ERROR: 3D data (DXF code 30, value = 0.3658) detected on LINE at line 5706
ERROR: 3D data (DXF code 31, value = 0.3658) detected on LINE at line 5712
ERROR: 3D data (DXF code 30, value = 0.3658) detected on LINE at line 5734
ERROR: 3D data (DXF code 31, value = 0.3658) detected on LINE at line 5740
ERROR: 3D data (DXF code 30, value = 0.3658) detected on LINE at line 5790
ERROR: 3D data (DXF code 31, value = 0.3658) detected on LINE at line 5796
ERROR: 3D data (DXF code 30, value = 0.3658) detected on LINE at line 5818
ERROR: 3D data (DXF code 31, value = 0.3658) detected on LINE at line 5824
ERROR: Opening file #Taaaaak03144.tmp.
ERROR: Opening #Taaaaak03144.tmp for incremental update failed.
Terminating program |