* [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=288409]@file[/url] APROM_main.c
* [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=895143]@version[/url] V1.00
* $Revision: 6 $
* $Date: 16/02/16 9:21a $
* [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=247401]@brief[/url] FMC APROM IAP sample for NANO103 series MCU
* @note
* Copyright (C) 2015 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "Nano103.h"
typedef void (FUNC_PTR)(void);
extern uint32_t loaderImage1Base, loaderImage1Limit; /* symbol of image start and end */
void SYS_Init(void)
SYS_UnlockReg(); /* Unlock protected registers */
/* Set HCLK source form HXT and HCLK source divide 1 */
/* Enable external 12MHz HXT, 32KHz LXT and HIRC */
/* Waiting for clock ready */
CLK_SetCoreClock(32000000); /* Set HCLK frequency 32MHz */
CLK_EnableModuleClock(UART0_MODULE); /* Enable UART0 input clock */
/* Select IP clock source */
/* Init I/O Multi-function */
/* Set PA multi-function pins for UART0 RXD and TXD */
SYS_LockReg(); /* Lock protected registers */
void UART0_Init(void)
/* Init UART */
SYS_ResetModule(UART0_RST); /* Reset UART0 */
UART_Open(UART0, 115200); /* Configure UART0 and set UART0 as baudrate 115200, N,8,1 */
* @brief Check User Configuration CONFIG0 bit 6 IAP boot setting. If it's not boot with IAP
* mode, modify it and execute a chip reset to make it take effect.
* [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=266161]@return[/url] Is boot with IAP mode or not.
* @retval 0 Success.
* @retval -1 Failed on reading or programming User Configuration.
static int set_IAP_boot_mode(void)
uint32_t au32Config[2]; /* User Configuration */
if (FMC_ReadConfig(au32Config, 2) < 0) { /* Read User Configuration CONFIG0 and CONFIG1. */
printf("\nRead User Config failed!\n");
return -1; /* Failed on reading User Configuration */
if (au32Config[0] & 0x40) { /* Check if it's boot from APROM/LDROM with IAP. */
FMC_ENABLE_CFG_UPDATE(); /* Enable User Configuration update. */
au32Config[0] &= ~0x40; /* Select IAP boot mode. */
FMC_WriteConfig(au32Config, 2);/* Update User Configuration CONFIG0 and CONFIG1. */
SYS->IPRST1 = SYS_IPRST1_CHIPRST_Msk; /* Perform chip reset to make new User Config take effect. */
return 0; /* success */
* Set stack base address to SP register.
#ifdef __ARMCC_VERSION /* for Keil compiler */
__asm __set_SP(uint32_t _sp)
BX lr
* @brief Load an image to specified flash address. The flash area must have been enabled by
* caller. For example, if caller want to program an image to LDROM, FMC_ENABLE_LD_UPDATE()
* must be called prior to calling this function.
* @return Image is successfully programmed or not.
* @retval 0 Success.
* @retval -1 Program/verify failed.
static int load_image_to_flash(uint32_t image_base, uint32_t image_limit, uint32_t flash_addr, uint32_t max_size)
uint32_t i, j, u32Data, u32ImageSize, *pu32Loader;
u32ImageSize = max_size; /* Give the maximum size of programmable flash area. */
printf("Program image to flash address 0x%x...", flash_addr); /* information message */
* program the whole image to specified flash area
pu32Loader = (uint32_t *)image_base;
for (i = 0; i < u32ImageSize; i += FMC_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE) {
FMC_Erase(flash_addr + i); /* erase a flash page */
for (j = 0; j < FMC_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE; j += 4) { /* program image to this flash page */
FMC_Write(flash_addr + i + j, pu32Loader[(i + j) / 4]);
printf("OK.\nVerify ...");
/* Verify loader */
for (i = 0; i < u32ImageSize; i += FMC_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE) {
for (j = 0; j < FMC_FLASH_PAGE_SIZE; j += 4) {
u32Data = FMC_Read(flash_addr + i + j); /* read a word from flash memory */
if (u32Data != pu32Loader[(i+j)/4]) { /* check if the word read from flash be matched with original image */
printf("data mismatch on 0x%x, [0x%x], [0x%x]\n", flash_addr + i + j, u32Data, pu32Loader[(i+j)/4]);
return -1; /* image program failed */
if (i + j >= u32ImageSize) /* check if it reach the end of image */
return 0; /* success */
int main()
uint8_t u8Item; /* menu item */
uint32_t u32Data; /* temporary data word */
FUNC_PTR *func; /* function pointer */
SYS_Init(); /* Init System, IP clock and multi-function I/O */
UART0_Init(); /* initialize UART0 */
printf("| Nano103 FMC_IAP Sample Code |\n");
printf("| [APROM code] |\n");
SYS_UnlockReg(); /* Unlock register lock protect */
FMC_Open(); /* Enable FMC ISP function */
* Check if User Configuration CBS is boot with IAP mode.
* If not, modify it.
if (set_IAP_boot_mode() < 0) {
printf("Failed to set IAP boot mode!\n");
goto lexit; /* Failed to set IAP boot mode. Program aborted. */
/* Read BS */
printf(" Boot Mode ............................. ");
if (FMC_GetBootSource() == 0) /* Get boot source */
printf("[APROM]\n"); /* Is booting from APROM */
else {
printf("[LDROM]\n"); /* Is booting from LDROM */
printf(" WARNING: The sample code must execute in APROM!\n");
goto lexit; /* This sample program must execute in APROM. Program aborted. */
u32Data = FMC_ReadCID(); /* get company ID */
printf(" Company ID ............................ [0x%08x]\n", u32Data);
u32Data = FMC_ReadPID(); /* get product ID */
printf(" Product ID ............................ [0x%08x]\n", u32Data);
/* Read User Configuration CONFIG0 */
printf(" User Config 0 ......................... [0x%08x]\n", FMC_Read(FMC_CONFIG_BASE));
/* Read User Configuration CONFIG1 */
printf(" User Config 1 ......................... [0x%08x]\n", FMC_Read(FMC_CONFIG_BASE+4));
do {
printf("| Select |\n");
printf("| [0] Load IAP code to LDROM |\n");
printf("| [1] Run IAP program (in LDROM) |\n");
printf("Please select...");
u8Item = getchar(); /* block waiting to receive any one character from UART0 */
printf("%c\n", u8Item); /* print out the selected item */
switch (u8Item) {
case '0':
FMC_ENABLE_LD_UPDATE(); /* Enable LDROM update capability */
* The binary image of LDROM code is embedded in this sample.
* load_image_to_flash() will program this LDROM code to LDROM.
if (load_image_to_flash((uint32_t)&loaderImage1Base, (uint32_t)&loaderImage1Limit,
printf("Load image to LDROM failed!\n");
goto lexit; /* Load LDROM code failed. Program aborted. */
FMC_DISABLE_LD_UPDATE(); /* Disable LDROM update capability */
case '1':
printf("\n\nChange VECMAP and branch to LDROM...\n");
while (!(UART0->FIFOSTS & UART_FIFOSTS_TXEMPTY_Msk)); /* Wait for UART0 TX FIFO cleared */
/* NOTE!
* Before change VECMAP, user MUST disable all interrupts.
* The following code CANNOT locate in address 0x0 ~ 0x200.
/* FMC_SetVectorPageAddr(FMC_LDROM_BASE) */
FMC->ISPADDR = FMC_LDROM_BASE; /* Vector remap address */
FMC->ISPTRG = FMC_ISPTRG_ISPGO_Msk; /* Trigger ISP command */
while (FMC->ISPTRG & FMC_ISPTRG_ISPGO_Msk) ; /* Wait for ISP command done. */
* The reset handler address of an executable image is located at offset 0x4.
* Thus, this sample get reset handler address of LDROM code from FMC_LDROM_BASE + 0x4.
func = (FUNC_PTR *)*(uint32_t *)(FMC_LDROM_BASE + 4);
* The stack base address of an executable image is located at offset 0x0.
* Thus, this sample get stack base address of LDROM code from FMC_LDROM_BASE + 0x0.
__set_SP(*(uint32_t *)FMC_LDROM_BASE);
* Brach to the LDROM code's reset handler in way of function call.
default :
continue; /* invalid selection */
} while (1);
lexit: /* program exit */
FMC_Close(); /* Disable FMC ISP function */
SYS_LockReg(); /* Lock protected registers */
printf("\nFMC Sample Code Completed.\n");
while (1);
/*** (C) COPYRIGHT 2015 Nuvoton Technology Corp. ***/