
google 关闭google health和google powermeter的声明

sinanjj|  楼主 | 2011-8-8 21:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
google 关闭google health和google powermeter的声明
6/24/2011 11:01:00 AM
我们将关闭2个曾被认为有巨大影响力的项目: Google Health 和 Google PowerMeter. 我们认为我们曾经过高的估计了将原来难以获取的信息方便的提供给人们所能带来的便利.

Google Health
google health的目的是给人们提供他们的个人健康信息服务.
现在, 经过了几年的实践, 我们观察到 Google Health 没有获取到巨大的影响力(译者注: 简单的说就是用户数量太少).
There has been adoption among certain groups of users like tech-savvy patients and their caregivers, and more recently fitness and wellness enthusiasts. But we haven’t found a way to translate that limited usage into widespread adoption in the daily health routines of millions of people.
google health确实被一些用户使用, 比如说懂技术的病人, 他们的护理人员, 技术爱好者. 但是我们还没有找到一个能对上百万人每天的健康护理产生影响的应用.
That’s why we’ve made the difficult decision to discontinue the Google Health service.
这就是我们作出这个关闭google health服务这个简单的决定的原因.

In the end, while we weren’t able to create the impact we wanted with Google Health, we hope it has raised the visibility of the role of the empowered consumer in their own care. We continue to be strong believers in the role information plays in healthcare and in improving the way people manage their health, and we’re always working to improve our search quality for the millions of users who come to Google every day to get answers to their health and wellness queries.
最后, 虽然我们没能创造出伟大的进展, 但是我们坚信google health已经打开了这个领域的一角. 我们坚信信息技术会最终改变人们对健康生活的需求方式. 我们依然在寻找更好的方法为每天到google上寻找健康问题答案的人们提供更好的服务.

Google PowerMeter
We first launched Google PowerMeter as a Google.org project to raise awareness about the importance of giving people access to data surrounding their energy usage. Studies show that having simple access to such information helps consumers reduce their energy use by up to 15%; of course, even broader access to this information could help reduce energy use worldwide.
我们启动google powermeter作为一个非盈利项目. 研究表明, 如果人们容易的获取到电能数据, 那么人们能够减低15%的能耗.

Since our launch, there’s been more attention given to this notion of people easily accessing their energy data. The installation of smart meters and other home energy devices is picking up steam, and states like California and Texas are moving forward to finalize policies and programs in this area. Earlier this month, the White House announced a goal of giving all consumers access to their energy usage in computer-friendly formats as part of a national plan for modernizing the electricity grid.
在我们启动这个项目以后, 不就, 加州和德州就作出推动性的财政政策和程序, 这个月初, 白宫发表一个目标, 让所有的用户容易的通过计算机获取电表数据作为一个电网改造的国家计划.

We’re pleased that PowerMeter has helped demonstrate the importance of this access and created something of a model. However, our efforts have not scaled as quickly as we would like, so we are retiring the service. PowerMeter users will have access to the tool until September 16, 2011. We have made it easy for you to download your data: simply log in to your account and go to "Account Settings” to export to a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. We will be contacting users directly with more information on this process.
我们很高兴google powermeter项目能推动如此重要的进展. 但是, 次项目的效果并没有达到我们的预期(译者注: 估计就是搞不到大量终端, 没有硬件), 所以我们决定停止这个项目.

Momentum is building toward making energy information more readily accessible, and it’s exciting to see others drive innovation and pursue opportunities in this important new market. We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished with PowerMeter and look forward to what will develop next in this space.
趋势是更加容易的获取能源信息, 我们高兴的看到很多其他公司正在推进这一重要的新兴市场. 我们很高兴的说我们的powemeter已经获取了一定成功, 并且我们会考虑下一步要做什么(针对这一市场)

By helping people make more informed decisions through greater access to more information, we believe Google Health and PowerMeter have been trailblazers in their respective categories. Ultimately though, we want to satisfy the most pressing needs for the greatest number of people. In the case of these two products, our inability to scale has led us to focus our priorities elsewhere.
这段话已经说的很直白了, 就是设备数量不够! (goolge 没有硬件)

As always, we welcome your feedback; please share your thoughts and opinions with us at health-feedback@google.com or powermeter-feedback@google.com. We won’t be able to respond to every email, but we promise we’ll listen.

Posted by Aaron Brown, Senior Product Manager, Google Health and Bill Weihl, Green Energy Czar



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